Covid-19: Fauci, Warning of Bleak Winter, Draws White House Rebuke

Covid-19: Fauci, Warning of Bleak Winter, Draws White House Rebuke
Covid-19: Fauci, Warning of Bleak Winter, Draws White House Rebuke

This is what you need to know:.

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci is on Capitol Hill in July. A loan… Stephanie Reynolds for The New York Times.

He took part in the two pre-election discussions in which President Trump distorted his position on the pandemic. It was emphasized – and taken out of context – in an advertisement for the re-election of Capricorn. And his own boss was openly mocking him and called him a disaster.

Looks like Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the best infection specialist in the country, has had enough.

As Mr. Trump traveled through the country convincing the Americans that the United States had turned the tide for the coronavirus, Dr. Fauci looked forward to the coming winter and said it couldn’t get any worse.

It hurts a lot, Dr. Fauci said in an interview with the Washington Post on Saturday.

And in a statement echoed by the White House, a prominent non-political health official praised Biden’s treatment of the coronavirus and said she took it seriously in terms of public health.

He said the campaign should be approached from a different angle, focusing on the economy and the reopening of the country.

In an interview, Dr. Fauci asked for a virtual connection to his current location with Dr. Deborah L. Birks, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

Mr. Trump preferred the advice of another pandemic advisor, Dr. Scott W. Atlas, who questioned the use of masks and proposed a number of other conflicting philosophies in his fight for re-election and to tame the virus.

Usually Dr. Fauci criticized Dr. Atlas directly in an interview.

I have real problems with this guy, he says.

Dr. Fauci suggested that Dr. Atlas, a neuroradiologist without infectious diseases, is not himself.

He’s a smart guy who talks about things I don’t think he has any real knowledge or experience, he said. He keeps saying that if you take it apart and take it apart, it doesn’t make sense.

If Dr. Fauci has taken off the gloves, it seems that the White House, which once tried to avoid an open confrontation with a politically popular figure, has now done so.

In a statement sent to the Post, White House spokesman Judd Deer said it was unacceptable and contrary to all standards for Dr. Fauci to be in politics three days before the election. Dr. Fauci said his political involvement became known when he praised the president’s opponent, exactly what the American people expected from the swamp.

Departure by ferry to Amsterdam on Sunday. The loan… Ilvie Njokiktien for the New York Times…

On Sunday, Europe surpassed 10 million confirmed cases of coronavirus and 268,000 deaths from Covid-19, a staggering figure for a region that seemed to have some sort of control over a pandemic after spring and early summer.

In July, when the first devastating wave subsided, Europe averaged less than 15,000 new infections a day, but according to New York Times data, that number rose to around 253,000 last week and many countries have returned to the blockade because the virus has become uncontrollable.

The mortality rate on the continent, which fell to 300 per day in mid-summer, is approaching 2500 per day. This is still lower than the peak in April, when treatment was less effective, but the rate is rising rapidly and in some areas hospitals are again threatened by flooding.

The United States has the highest rate of confirmed coronavirus infections in the world, with more than 9.2 million confirmed coronavirus infections and more than 230,000 deaths due to Covida-19. In late summer and early autumn, there were many more cases and deaths in the United States than in Europe, where there were twice as many.

But in the last few days, Europe has caught up with the United States in terms of both mortality and infections. On Sunday, the number of infections in Europe exceeded 10.1 million, doubled in just 32 days and grew three times faster than in America.

(Country figures are somewhat imprecise; they include the non-European part of Russia, but not the European part of Turkey. And experts say that the actual figures are invariably higher than the official size, because some cases remain unsolved).

Worldwide there are about 46.4 million cases and 1.2 million deaths. In Europe, where about 10 percent of the world’s population lives, about 22 percent of infections and deaths have been reported.

The Czech Republic, Andorra and Belgium have the highest infection rates in Europe, both now and since the beginning of the pandemic, and some of the highest mortality rates. Overall, Russia has reported more cases than any other European country, with more than 1.6 million cases, but it has the largest population; several other countries have higher rates. Britain recorded the highest number of deaths, almost 47,000.

While the coronavirus rages all over the country, Americans insist on an early vote.

As the coronavirus rages across the country, the Americans will vote early. A loan… Catherine Gamble for the New York Times…

As election day approaches and the United States experiences the highest daily rates, the Great Lakes battlefield, which could help determine the presidency, is experiencing some of the most disturbing outbreaks of the coronavirus.

As the turnout accelerates and the early votes come to an end, President Trump continues to denigrate the virus, falsely suggesting that the country has come to an end. And on Thursday, Donald Trump, Jr. tried to keep the death toll as low as possible, arguing that when he appeared on Fox News, it meant almost nothing.

But the mortality rate is starting to rise across the country, with an average of 818 deaths per day last week, almost 15 percent more than on the first day. October, according to the New York Times database. On Saturday, for the first time in seven days, more than 84,000 new cases were reported in the United States: more than 80,000, an increase of 86% over the same period.

Death is an indicator of the delay of a pandemic. First, there has been an increase in the number of cases – as in Minnesota, which had three of the highest daily rates this week – followed by an increase in hospitalizations, as in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio – in every state that could surpass the elections.

These states are trying to prevent what happened in Wisconsin, where more than 275 deaths were reported last week. The state has nine of the 16 metro districts in the country with the highest rates in recent times.

In Ohio, the number of hospital admissions has doubled in recent weeks, according to the Kovid Tracking Project.

On average, Pennsylvania registers more than 2,000 new cases per day, more than doubling the number at the beginning of October, and the number of hospital admissions has more than doubled.

In the last days before the elections, Pennsylvania will hold a series of meetings for each presidential candidate. Trump, who visited the state on Saturday, was scheduled to hold another rally on Monday, and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. was scheduled to arrive Sunday.

Governor Tom Wolfe of Pennsylvania called for caution. There will be many meetings in the Commonwealth this weekend when we see the economy recover, Wolfe said on Twitter on Saturday. We all have to take this seriously, especially at a time when our company is at the top.

This peak has destroyed the central part of the country, where states that were once considered safe republics, such as Ohio, Iowa and Texas, now compete fiercely with each other. In the state of Iowa, according to the Times database, the average daily number of new cases has increased by more than 80 percent over the past two weeks, while in Texas it has increased by about 40 percent over the same period.

New cases are still reported at the highest national level. More than 99,000 cases were reported in the United States on Friday, a daily record, and more than 20 states have recently released weekly case reports. On Saturday, officials in Colorado and North Dakota announced a record number of new cases.

On Saturday, 47,374 people in the United States were hospitalized with the virus, according to the Covid Tracking project, an increase of more than 26 percent in the past two weeks.

Louis in May.

Banner in honor of the health staff and key employees of Barnes Jewish Hospital at St. John’s, Newfoundland. Louis in May. Credit… Jeff Robertson, Associated Press.

In Missouri, one of the Midwestern states where the pandemic broke out in October, hospitals are under increasing pressure. Some have resorted to measures such as creating temporary outdoor stations and even parking ambulances.

Dr. Alex Garza, head of the coronavirus task force in St. Louis, said Friday that with many of the city’s intensive care units now 90 percent full and no lights in sight, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to imagine a way that doesn’t overload healthcare systems.

And it’s a big problem in rural Missouri, where we’ve seen a huge increase in recent years.

Many small hospitals in rural areas do not have large, modern intensive care units and hope to be able to transfer their sickest patients to larger hospitals in the big cities to achieve the high level of care they need. But these days there are no more beds, and we just can’t deliver them anymore, Jeff A said. Tindle, executive director of Carroll County Memorial Hospital in Carrollton, Moe.

As a result, we’re sitting on patients in our emergency room, according to Tindle, referring to the emergency room. There they can be treated with the best technology and equipment we have, he said, but certainly not with the equipment we find in a large medical centre in the I.C.U.

In a conference call last week, Missouri hospital administrators asked Mike Parson’s state government to come up with a plan to help hospitals in need fight surgery, Tindle said. The call was first reported by the Missouri Independent, a non-profit news agency.

There is not only a shortage of beds in the intensive care units, but also a shortage of medical staff needed for the treatment of patient operations. There was a labour shortage, but it really targeted all rural areas, Dr. Randy Tobler, chairman of the board of Scottish District Hospital in the small town of Memphis, Mozambique, recently told NPR.

Thanksgiving, usually a time for family gatherings and travel, is extremely risky this year. The loan… Danielle Scraggs for the New York Times…

Travel and family reunions are turning Thanksgiving into a turning point, causing coronavirus outbreaks even greater than the record numbers currently occurring in the United States, former FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb warned Sunday.

I think December will probably be the hardest month for us, he told CBS Face to Nation in an interview.

Other health officials have issued similar warnings, including the country’s leading infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who said his daughters, who live in different parts of the country, would not be able to go home to spend Thanksgiving with their parents because of the pandemic. Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institute of Health, also said his family canceled the traditional reunion this year.

In a recorded interview with the JAMA editor on Wednesday, Dr. Fauci said that even small meetings at home cause a lot of cases.

They don’t want to be the grincha who stole the holiday, Dr. Fauci said, but he urged families to consider the risks and adapt their plans to protect the elderly and people with health problems.

A study released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlighted the need for caution and showed that once one person in a household is infected, the virus spreads quickly throughout the home.

Dr Gottlieb has also expressed concern about the accelerated spread of coronavirus infections in about 20 states.

We are at the beginning of what seems to be an exponential expansion in many countries, he said, and added that this is the beginning of a process that will continue: It’s very disturbing, because we’re going into the winter.

He said the United States must take tough measures to try to prevent hospitals from flooding again. However, he described these measures as targeted reduction measures at state level and not as a national blockade imposed by some European countries.

He said there is no political support in the United States, even at state level, for broad barriers. He said that the nation should give priority to opening schools and that there is evidence that this can be done safely with the necessary precautions.

The contours of the scale of the crisis in the coming months will be determined by the policy measures we take now and in December, he said in his message.

Dr. Scott Atlas, the White House coronavirus advisor, apologized on Sunday for giving an interview to the Russian news channel that was broadcasting erroneous information. A loan… Oliver Contreras for the New York Times…

Dr. Scott W. Atlas, White House coronavirus advisor, apologized on Sunday for his participation in a Russian state news program that played an important role in the Russian government’s efforts to spread false health information during the pandemic.

However, Dr. Atlas did not apologize for the content of the interview in which he, as advisor to Mr. Trump, continued to downplay the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic and claimed without evidence that the blocking measures used to contain the virus were killing people.

The Liquid Downs will be seen as an epic failure of law and order by people who refuse to admit they were wrong, Dr. Atlas said in an RT interview on Saturday that lasted almost half an hour. The argument is undeniable, castles kill people.

In his apology, Dr. Atlas said he was unaware that the RT media, formerly known as Russia Today, was a registered foreign agent. Many American news organizations, including the New York Times, report that American intelligence services consider the RT to be the armed arm of Russian propaganda.

I’m sorry for the interview and I apologize for taking advantage of it, Dr. Atlas said on Twitter. I particularly apologize to the national security community, which is working hard to protect us.

An administration official, who is not allowed to make public speeches, said the interview was not approved by the White House press office.

Dr. Atlas, a neuroradiologist with no experience in infectious diseases or epidemiology, became White House advisor to the president, excluded others from the official coronavirus task force and adopted a national health response that would allow the coronavirus to spread naturally to immunize the herd.

Such ideas led to internal health policy confrontations – and sometimes wars over White House territory – and to the vaccination of Dr. Atlas against Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the country’s leading infectious disease expert, and Dr. Deborah L. Birks, the coronavirus response coordinator.

The Russian security services have been spreading misinformation and propaganda about the coronavirus pandemic for months, both through Russian government agencies and other websites.

October 2020.

President Donald Trump at the new Make America Great Rally at Williamsport regional airport in Montorsville, Pennsylvania, 31. October 2020. Credit… Anna Moneymaker for the New York Times.

When President Trump received Covid-19 last month, White House officials seemed to have done little to find out how the coronavirus entered the White House and how it spread after its arrival.

The administration took no significant steps to monitor the epidemic, limited the monitoring of contacts, kept cases confidential and excluded disease control and prevention centres.

According to the representative, the origin of the infection is unknown.

But a standard public health method can still relieve us: tracking the genetic fingerprints of an epidemic.

To better understand the outbreak, The Times worked with well-known geneticists to determine the genetic sequence of the viruses that infected two Times reporters who were reportedly exposed to the coronavirus as part of their coverage of the White House.

The study reveals for the first time the genetic sequence of the virus that could have infected Trump and dozens of others, the researchers say. The genome is the most important key that researchers can use to determine the origin of the epidemic and whether the epidemic has infected others across the country.

Viruses are constantly mutating and as they multiply, their genetic material undergoes minute and random changes. But by comparing the regularity of mutations in many gene sequences, scientists can build virus genealogies and shed light on their expansion.

The viral genomes of the infected Times reporters showed the same different mutation patterns, as the study showed. Along with the history of their infection, research suggests they were infected as part of a larger epidemic in the White House, said Trevor Bedford, a geneticist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington who led the research team.

The results show that even a few weeks after the discovery of the outbreak in the White House, the outbreak could have been better understood if samples had been taken from more infected people.

Michael Sparrow, head of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona, questioned the White House’s characterization that the source of the outbreak could not be known.

A lot of things are incomprehensible if you don’t bother to know them, and that falls into that category, Dr. Sparrow said.


Circular Quay - A popular tourist area in Sydney Harbour, Australia.

Circular Quay, a vibrant tourist area in Sydney Harbour, Australia. Matthew Abbott lends himself to the New York Times.

Australia indicated that no new cases of coronavirus have been reported in nearly five months, paving the way for further relaxation of restrictions.

In the 24 hours between 8 p.m. on Friday and 8 p.m. on Saturday, the country reported that no locally transmitted cases had been recorded – the first 24-hour period since the 9th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. June without a new case. At the end of Saturday, New South Wales reported a new case.

The absence of new cases came less than a week after Melbourne, Australia’s second largest city, came out of the 111-day isolation imposed during the second wave, which peaked in August with more than 700 new cases per day. For the first time since July, residents can sit in cafes, restaurants and cafés. Further restrictions will be relaxed next weekend.

Greg Hunt, the country’s Health Minister, twittered to thank the Australians. It’s a huge national effort and it’s a big national success story, he said. He told local media that Australia was about to lift interstate travel restrictions for Christmas. Residents of New South Wales and Victoria are not allowed to visit certain States and must be quarantined for 14 days on entry into other States.

On Monday, Victoria recorded the third consecutive day without new cases.

In other news from all over the world:

  • Portugal plans to reintroduce the partial blockade, which will affect around 70% of its 10 million inhabitants, including Lisbon and Oporto, the two largest cities. From the fourth. On 11 November, people in the worst affected areas will only be allowed to leave their homes to work, go to school or shop.
  • Tedros Adhanom Hebrayesus, director of the World Health Organization, said on Twitter last Sunday that he was quarantined after a positive contact test. I am healthy and symptom-free, but in the next few days I will quarantine myself according to WHO protocols and work from home, he said.

The people are queuing for the inspection in Bratislava on Saturday.

On Saturday, people line up in Bratislava for the… …the credit check… Vladimir Simichek / Agence France-Presse – Getty Images

Massive experiments don’t get any more massive than that.

Slovakia, which wants to test almost the entire population for the coronavirus, took a first big step towards this goal this weekend with the smear test of more than two and a half million people – about half of the country’s population.

While other countries tried to find out if this ambitious company would work, more than 40,000 health workers carried out tests at some 5,000 locations in Eastern Europe. They were supported by soldiers, policemen and volunteers.

On Sunday, the government made a preliminary assessment of the penetration of the virus in the country: About 1% of the tests were positive, reports The Guardian.

The tests were free and – in theory at least – voluntary. In fact, those who refuse to participate are ordered to isolate themselves and are threatened with a fine.

Freedom must go hand in hand with responsibility, said Prime Minister Igor Matovich at a press conference.

Martin Janosik, a 44-year-old entrepreneur who came to a northern town to do some tests, said he got involved so his son could go to school. I didn’t really have a choice, he said, but I didn’t think much about it.

The surveys, which will be resumed next weekend, will at best give a rough estimate of the extent of the contamination in Slovakia. The government uses tests for antigens whose value lies in their speed – but with a compromise in accuracy compared to other tests.

And the mass trial of all Slovaks 10 years and older did not go smoothly. Some test centres opened late and a downtime of up to four hours was reported.

The whole thing didn’t escape the skeptics.

While the number of cases in Slovakia has increased – last week on average more than 2,400 per day – some scientists have questioned not only the decision to rely so heavily on antigen tests, but also the wisdom to push people to the test site, reports The Lancet.

President Trump's election night is at the White House.

President Trump’s election night is at the White House. The loan… Oliver Contreras for The New York Times.

President Trump’s election party will be held in the White House East Room, and the president’s advisers are discussing the possibility of inviting about 400 people, according to two officials familiar with the talks.

The party was moved from the Trump Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, originally chosen as a campaign site, in part because of Washington regulations prohibiting the gathering of more than 50 people indoors to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

What was originally planned as a small meeting in the Oostzaal has now become a large indoor party with several hundred expected people.

The event is likely to cause safety problems as the coronavirus spreads more easily indoors. The event of the 26th. The appointment in September of Amy Coney Barrett of the Supreme Court, who brought people together in the rose garden, both indoors and outdoors, was widely regarded by health experts as a point of spread of the virus.

The White House official and the First Lady’s spokesperson, whose office oversees the east wing of the complex, did not respond to requests for comments. The campaign spokesperson did not respond directly to the e-mail requesting comments.

Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s campaign announced Saturday that he would address people on election night from Wilmington, Delaware.

On Sunday there was a large crowd attending the funeral service at the Metropolitan.

A large crowd attended the funeral ceremony at the Metropolitan on Sunday. Philip Filipovich/Getty Pictures

Despite restrictions on coronavirus security, tens of thousands of Montenegrins attended the funeral of the country’s most important religious leader on Sunday, who died of complications last week on Covida-19.

Amfilohije Radović, 82 years old, Metropolitan of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Bishop of Montenegro and Primorje, was hospitalized last month after he became ill and tested positive for the virus. He died on Friday of pneumonia related to the disease, his representatives said.

His open coffin was carried by a crowd of people near the church in Podgorica, the capital. The church urged parishioners to wear masks and stay away from others, and said it would hand out about 5,000 masks to those who didn’t have any. Few people in the crowd or among the priests leading the services wear masks.

The mourners sang and communicated, while some paid homage to the metropolitan bishop, embraced his remains, and asked the doctors to close the coffin, the Associated Press reported.

Numerous Serbian Orthodox bishops and priests, including from neighbouring countries, took part in the commemoration, wearing only a few masks … Credit… Philip Filipovic/Getty Images

The great bishop, known for his anti-western views and support for Serbian nationalism, played a role earlier this year in warming up the long-standing Democratic Party of Socialists by organising demonstrations against the law that transfers certain religious buildings and land to the state. He was seen without a mask at public events and during the May sermon he compared pilgrimage to the vaccine of God.

According to local reports, senior officials from neighbouring countries, including Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik, have attended the service. Other countries, including Russia, were also represented.

Approximately three-quarters of Montenegrins belong to the Serbian Orthodox Church, which has more than 8 million members worldwide, most of them in the Balkans.

Montenegro has experienced a coronavirus spike, with an average of 244 new cases per day last week and a population of about 625 000 people. According to the New York Times database, Montenegro has reported 18,341 cases and 301 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

Shops in Manchester start closing on Sundays in anticipation of the blockade. A loan… Mary Turner for the New York Times.

On Sunday, a leading British minister admitted that the extended monthly restrictions announced the previous day by Prime Minister Boris Johnson could be extended if the rate of coronavirus infection did not fall fast enough.

Mr Johnson’s restrictions on England – the closure of pubs, restaurants and most retail outlets – have already been imposed in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, so this announcement amounts to a national blockade.

During a performance in the Sunday edition of Sky News Sophy Ridge, chaplain Mikhail Gov said yes after he was forced to lift the blockade after the announced deadline of the 2nd day of the festival. December.

With a virus so malignant and capable of spreading so quickly, Gove said, it would be foolish to predict with absolute certainty what will happen in four weeks, when in the last two weeks its rate, infection and malignancy have increased.

These restrictions force people to stay at home, unless their work, for example in factories or on construction sites, obliges them to do so. They can go to school or university and leave their home for various other important reasons, such as to buy food or to see a doctor. But unnecessary shops will be closed, people will be encouraged not to travel except on business, and cafes and restaurants will only be able to offer takeaway food.

The British government’s scientific advisory group, known as SAGE, this month estimated that between 43,000 and 75,000 new infections occur in England every day, surpassing the worst scenarios of a few weeks ago. Hospital admissions are also ahead of the worst-case scenario, the commissioners said.

On Friday 1489 patients with symptoms of Covida-19 were admitted to the UK, of whom almost 1000 were in intensive care and 274 died. According to the New York Times database, the country exceeded the one million dead mark with 58,925 deaths, one of the highest rates in Europe.

Prince William.

Prince William. A loan… A picture of Jack Hill by the pool.

Prince William signed a contract with Covid-19 in England in April, but kept his diagnosis a secret, and The Sun, England’s largest newspaper, reported quoting sources at Kensington Palace.

The Duke of Cambridge probably became ill with the virus around the same time as his father, Prince Charles, but did not pass on this information for fear of public concern, according to the British media. He was cared for by the palace doctors during his isolation at the home of the Anmer Hall family in Norfolk and had over a dozen business meetings at the time, reports The Sun.

Kensington Palace could not be contacted immediately for comment.

In April, the coronavirus erupted in the halls of British power, causing the illness of Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Prince Charles. The number of cases in England has recently crossed the one million mark and the country has just entered a second blockade, from the fifth month of the year the number of cases in the UK is expected to exceed the one million mark. November: pubs, restaurants, sports halls and other unimportant shops remain closed for four weeks.

It’s time to act because there is no alternative, Johnson said at a press conference Sunday. We have to act now to stop the fall, he said.

Milan, near Piazza Duomo last week.

Milan, near Piazza Duomo last week. A loan… Alessandro Granssani for The New York Times.

When the coronavirus first hit Italy, hit the country’s hospitals and caused the West’s first blockade, the Italians surprised the world with their resistance and civic responsibility, stayed at home and sang on their balconies. Their reward for the quarantine months was a flattened curve, a sip of normal life and the satisfaction of the usually condescending Allies who cited Italy as an example.

Italy is now far away from those ballroom days and his summer passion for freedom. Instead, when a second wave of the virus devours Europe and creates new national blockades, Italy has become a symbol of the despair, exhaustion and fear that is spreading across the continent.

France has introduced a new national blocking system to curb the growing number of cases. Germany has introduced more flexible but still stricter national restrictions. On Saturday, Britain announced new general restrictions that in reality lead to national isolation. Throughout Europe, governments are trying to help keep schools open and save their economies.

And everywhere, if people don’t get the virus, they get it. Dissatisfaction explodes in Italy.

A country that gave the Western world an idea of the terrible human cost of Kovid – which demonstrated the necessity and success of a national blockade, which then looked like an oasis on an infected continent – now represents something darker. Italy has become a symbol of the wasted benefits of Europe, of the impotence of timid measures against a virus that makes no compromises, and of the social and political costs of failing to keep promises of aid.

The Italians, who are strongly descended from summer euphoria, are outraged.

In Hyderabad, Pakistan, women queued last month to get financial support from the government. A loan… Nadim Kawar/EPA, via Shatterstock.

The most prosperous countries have been spared the worst economic consequences of the pandemic, thanks to the extraordinary credit increases initiated by central banks and government spending, estimated at more than $8 trillion.

However, developing countries have not yet received this amount of aid, despite commitments by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, organisations set up at the end of the Second World War to help states in times of financial distress.

For example, only $280 billion out of $1 trillion was used by the IMF, of which $31 billion in emergency loans to 76 member countries, and less than $11 billion to low-income countries. The World Bank more than doubled its lending commitments in the first seven months of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, but according to studies conducted by the Centre for Global Development, the repayment of these funds has been slow and disbursements have increased by less than a third over the same period.

The relatively benign reactions of the IMF and the World Bank were partly due to the partiality of their main shareholder, the United States of America.

The head of the World Bank is David Malpass, who was actually appointed by President Trump under a gentlemen’s agreement that gave the United States the right to elect the head of that institution for decades. Malpass, who worked for a long time in the public finance department under Trump, showed contempt for the World Bank and the IMF.

The I.M.F. is headed by Kristalina Georgieva, a Bulgarian economist who previously worked for the World Bank. It reports to the shareholders of the institution, the 190 Member States. The Trump administration resisted calls to increase IMF reserves, arguing that most benefits would go to the most prosperous countries.

The unfulfilled promises of organizations are not the result of altruism. Emerging markets account for 60% of the world economy in terms of a unit of measurement. The effects of the pandemic on their plight have hurt all over the world: by reducing the amount of money that migrant workers usually send to poor countries, many developing countries are deprived of tourism and billions of people are prevented from buying food.

Next year the pandemic could have plunged 150 million people into extreme poverty, the World Bank warned, and this would be the first increase in the global ranking of extremely poor people in more than two decades.

The Brooklyn party, which was attended by about 400 people, was disbanded early Saturday morning by the city's sheriffs.

A party in Brooklyn, attended by about 400 people, was disbanded early Saturday morning by the city’s sheriffs. The loan… New York sheriff’s department.

Two Halloween parties with hundreds of guests dancing and drinking in warehouses were disbanded by New York City officials this weekend when officials tried to curb the behavior that could fuel a second wave of the pandemic.

The party in Brooklyn, which was attended by about 400 people, was closed early Saturday morning by the city sheriffs. About 24 hours later, the sheriff closed the party with more than 550 people in the Bronx.

Twenty-eight people – including party organisers, peace and security officers – and two companies are being sued, including for non-compliance with the city’s health law.

The rebels wore costumes, but few people wore masks or distanced themselves from society, said Sheriff Joseph Fuchito.

It is unclear whether, given the months of warnings from official sources, the organisers understood or simply ignored the danger of large meetings in enclosed spaces. I wish I had the wisdom to explain human nature, Sheriff Fuchito said.

The parties talk about the continuing challenges to contain the spread of the virus, especially as winter approaches and people are getting tired of the restrictions of crowd control.

Enforcement of the coronavirus rules remains a central element of policymakers’ strategy to fight the pandemic. Until the 23rd. In October, the State suspended the permits of 238 companies for breach of the rules.

However, public order in illegal and legal places remains a challenge, sometimes leading to epidemics. The health authorities of Long Island tried to contain the outbreak last week, when dozens of people tested positive after participating in the Sweet 16 party in September.

Sheriff Fuchito said Sunday that his office has responded to about one major event every night for the past three months.

Monument in memory of journalist Charlie Hebdo, who died in a terrorist attack in 2015. A loan… Charles Dress/Raiter…

The January 2015 anti-terrorist trial at two locations in Paris, the office of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket, was suspended after one of the main suspects in the Coronavirus case achieved a positive result.

The attacks, in which 17 people died, were carried out jointly by three islamic extremists. All three of them died in a police shooting, so only the alleged accomplices were brought to justice.

The trial, which took place before the Supreme Court north of Paris, was interrupted shortly after one of the defendants – 35-year-old Ali Riza Polat – became nauseous last Wednesday. The first coronavirus test was negative and the test was repeated briefly. But the president of the court informed the lawyers in the case late Saturday night by e-mail that the second test was positive for Mr. Riza Polat.

In an e-mail seen by the New York Times, Judge Regis de Jorna told the lawyers that the trial will continue until at least 4 weeks after the trial. The applicant submits that the proceedings were suspended until November and that all other defendants should be reconsidered. This suspension may lead to a delay in the delivery of the court decision, which was expected at the end of this month.

The tests will be repeated depending on the results of these tests and the evolution of the participants’ state of health, wrote Mr. de Jorna.

Everyone in the courtroom has to wear a mask, including suspects, judges and lawyers. The suspects are grouped in two plexiglass boxes. For most of the past week, Reese Polat defended the Polat loudly, sometimes angry, in court.

A total of 13 men and one woman are on trial, which started at the beginning of September; three of them are on the run. The start of the process was planned for spring, but was postponed when the first wave of the pandemic hit France.

The suspects are charged with providing various logistical assistance to the attackers by transporting or supplying money, equipment, weapons or vehicles. Most are at risk for up to 20 years. However, Mr Reese Polat, accused of being the main accomplice of Amedy Coulibaly, the kosher supermarket shooter, is facing a more serious charge of complicity and possibly life imprisonment.

President V.V. Putin has largely delegated responsibility for deciding on the response to the pandemic to regional officials.

President Vladimir V. Putin has handed over most of Russia’s decisions on combating the pandemic to regional leaders.

In spring, the pandemic hit Moscow particularly hard, while provincial Russia was largely spared. But in some remote parts of the country, in the vast majority of hospitals and morgues, infections are increasing.

President Vladimir Putin, who for a long time centralised political power, delegated decisions on business closures, school closures and other health care precautions to the regional authorities.

The stated aim was to enable local officials to tailor their responses to circumstances, although political analysts also noted that this would allow Putin to take the blame for unpopular interruptions or poor results. In both cases, the result has been a patchwork of regulations across the country, often poorly enforced.

On the whole, the Russian health care system can cope with this situation. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that 80% of the beds in Kovid’s 19 neighborhoods are occupied nationwide. However, some provinces clearly lost control; five regions reported that 95% of their beds were occupied.

In Novokuznetsk, a Siberian mining town, a mortuary worker posted a video in which he walked over corpses in bags. They were so busy in the hallway that there seemed to be no other way out.

It’s a hallway, said a worker who didn’t show up. Bodies everywhere. You can fall when you walk in here, you can trip over it. I have to step on their heads.

In Blagoveshchensk, a city in the Far East on the border with China, local journalist Natalia Nadelayeva described waiting in line outside the morgue to recover her grandfather’s body, after which she waited in another line outside the funeral home to arrange the funeral.

The funeral home told me they just didn’t have enough crews to bury everyone in time, she said.

Russia reported 1,579,446 cases, making it the fourth largest country in the world after the United States, India and Brazil.



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The United Kingdom has extended restrictions on coronaviruses

Saturday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced new important restrictions, effectively lifting national isolation in light of increasing cases of the coronavirus.

And now it’s time to act, because there is no alternative. And from Thursday to the beginning of December, you have to stay at home. You can only leave your home for certain reasons, such as education, work – for example if you cannot work from home – to exercise with your household or alone, with someone from another household, for medical reasons, at a reception and to rest on the street, to prevent injury or damage, to buy food and basic necessities and to take care of vulnerable people, or as a volunteer. I am afraid that insignificant stores and leisure and entertainment facilities will be closed, although payment for the clicks may continue and the main stores will remain open, so there is no need to replenish stock. Pubs, bars and restaurants must be closed, except for moving and delivery. Jobs must remain open where people cannot work at home, for example in the construction and manufacturing sectors. Single adult families can still call forms of exclusive support with other families, and children can move from one house to another if their parents are separated. If you are clinically vulnerable or if you are over 60 years of age, you should be particularly careful to follow the rules and keep contact with other people to a minimum.

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Saturday far-reaching new restrictions that will lead to national isolation in the light of increasing cases of the coronavirus. CreditCreditCredit… Matt Dunham/Presse Associée

On Saturday, the British Prime Minister announced far-reaching new restrictions which in effect lead to national isolation, while Greece and Austria tightened their measures against coronaviruses by closing down many of their businesses, as did France, Germany, Belgium and Ireland, to protect their hospitals from congestion in the context of massive second-wave outbreaks of coronaviruses.

These epidemics, which have almost completely turned the viral map of Europe red, come at a time when the United States has repeatedly set a record for daily infections.

This combination is largely responsible for the fact that the total workload has so far reached unimaginable heights. According to the New York Times database, the number of cases worldwide exceeded 500,000 for the first time on Wednesday, 543,000 on Thursday and 548,000 on Friday.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced new restrictions for England at a hastily organised press conference following an emergency Cabinet meeting. After weeks of opposition to blockade demands, it was closed from Thursday to the second day of the meeting. December Pubs, restaurants and most shops in England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have already introduced such restrictions.

According to the plans, people should be forced to stay at home if they are not needed in workplaces such as factories or construction sites. They are allowed to go to school or university and leave their home for a number of other important reasons, such as buying food or seeking medical help. However, shops for basic necessities are not closed, people are asked not to travel except for business, and cafes and restaurants are only allowed to offer take-away meals.

The British Government’s Scientific Advisory Group, known as SAGE, this month estimated that between 43,000 and 75,000 new infections are reported every day in England, exceeding the worst-case scenario figures calculated a few weeks ago. Experts also stated that hospital admissions were also predicted as a worst-case scenario.

On Friday 1489 patients with symptoms of Covida-19 were admitted to the UK. Almost 1000 patients are in intensive care, 274 people have died. According to the New York Times database, the country has crossed the one million mark and, at 58,925, the number of deaths caused by the virus is one of the highest in Europe.

Earlier in the day, the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced a monthly plan to introduce a national curfew and issue permits for indoor and outdoor camouflage from Tuesday. Otherwise, the plan effectively divided the country in two and imposed extensive restrictions in a high-risk area, including the large city of Athens and Thessaloniki, the second largest city in the country. Bars and restaurants as well as cinemas, gymnasiums and theatres will be closed except for delivery and collection. Schools must remain open, as well as shops and banks.

I can’t close my eyes to the harsh reality, Mitsotakis said in a televised speech, noting that the collective efforts to enforce existing restrictions have been undermined by the few people who have violated them. On Saturday, Greece reported 2,056 new daily incidents, a record for the country.

Greece, which has only just begun to recover from a ten-year financial crisis, is well aware of the price that a complete blockade could bring. The economic impact of the first blockade imposed during the first wave of the pandemic in March put the country back into recession, and this year’s fall is estimated at 10% of GDP. The government has stated that it intends to use its liquidity reserves to support businesses and the unemployed.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz has announced a curfew for Tuesday from 8pm to 6am and is closing restaurants for everyone except take-away, reports Reuters. However, the shops must remain open.

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