Trump’s Kenosha, Wisconsin, Rally Attendance: Crowd Photos

Trump’s Kenosha, Wisconsin, Rally Attendance: Crowd Photos
Trump’s Kenosha, Wisconsin, Rally Attendance: Crowd Photos


Power build-up at Kenosha.

In recent days, President Donald Trump has organised many pre-election meetings, and the eve of the elections was no exception. One of his many rallies that day was in Kenosh, Wisconsin. After the rally, he had another to finish the day in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Look how many people attended his rally in Kenosh, with images the size of a crowd.

Thousands of participants in the Kenoshu Rally’s-Kenosha-Wisconsin-Rally-Attendance-Crowd-Photos.jpg

Getty President Donald Trump will reappear at the Kenoshi Regional Airport during the Make America Rally.

The Kenosh Trump Rally started at 7pm. Dispatch. The Trumpet Rally took place at the Kenoshi Regional Airport. There were technical problems at the beginning of the performance and Trump had to switch to a handheld microphone, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Although no crowd estimate is available, Monica Alba of NBC News called the crowd the Red Sea.

The Sea of MAGA red hats awaits President Trump at the penultimate rally of the 2020 cycle in Kenosha, WI

– 2. Monica Alba (@albamonica) November 2020

This year Kenosha made national headlines as the scene of a shooting at the home of Kyle Ritten, which occurred during demonstrations after the police were shot and killed Jacob Blake. Rittenhouse recently posted a $2 million bond. After this message, Mr. Trump addressed the crowd: You’re at war with our police. Trump told the crowd that his government had saved Kenosha, adding… We’ve ensured order and authority.’s-Kenosha-Wisconsin-Rally-Attendance-Crowd-Photos.jpg

Getty Trump is talking to the Kenosh.

This photo was shown by Dan Scavino, deputy chief of communications and director of social media at the White House, in the back of the crowd.

WHAT A NIGHT IN WISCONSIN! Come vote for #MAGA tomorrow!

– Dan Scavino (@DanScavino) 3. November 2020.

Tromp also said in his presentation that we are approaching the end of the pandemic, although the pandemic is now becoming increasingly severe in some areas, such as El Paso, Texas.’s-Kenosha-Wisconsin-Rally-Attendance-Crowd-Photos.jpg

Getty Trump is talking to the Kenosh.

It also condemned the Supreme Court’s decision that absenteeism votes in some states can still be counted if they arrive after election day. He described the verdict as dangerous and said his lawyers were fighting him. He told the crowd: We can wait a few weeks until we know what’s going on. The whole world is waiting for this decision.

I hope the Supreme Court will have the wisdom to change it, because they can’t leave it alone, he said about the late counting rules. According to CNN, absenteeism votes can be counted up to nine days after election day in North Carolina, up to three days later in Pennsylvania, but must be counted before election day in Wisconsin.’s-Kenosha-Wisconsin-Rally-Attendance-Crowd-Photos.jpg

Getty Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Tiffany Trump, Ivanka Trump, Kimberly Gilfoil and others watch as President Donald Trump leaves the Kenoshi Regional Airport after the big Make America Rally.

There were many people at the Kenosh Rally, and some of them parked three miles away and were taken to the airport by bus, reports ABC 12. Many had already been to other Trump meetings and knew what to expect. Here’s a picture of a motorcade in Kenosha.

Countdown to the trump card at 0700. ~ Kenosha WI right now #MAGA

– Gregory John (@gregoryjon) 2. November 2020

Here’s another picture of the crowd.

Big Kenosha, WI, the Trump Rally crowd is his fourth song.

– Greg Clagston (@GregClugstonDC) 3. November 2020.

Jason Calvey of Fox 6 has now shown the following photos and noted that when Trump won the district in 2016, he was the first Republican to win the district since 1972.

The crowd is waiting for President Trump in Kenosh, his penultimate rally before the elections. He won the 2016 election in that district with 238 votes, and became the first Republican since 1972 to win it.

– Jason Calvi (@JasonCalvi) 3. November 2020.

During the rally Mr. Trump said that he sometimes had a glass of water in both hands and that he did this to avoid spilling water on his red tie. He showed the handheld microphone and told the crowd that everyone could see that he could hold objects perfectly.

Here’s another video that shows the size of the crowd on the lower floor.

Trumpf’s an hour late, but people keep signing up.

– Jonaton Sadowski (@SadowskiJourno) 3. November 2020.

Tramp talk online tracking

You can see Mr. Trump’s speech in the video below.

IT’S ALIVE: President Donald Trump in Kenosha, WI #Kenosha #WisconsinText VOTE at 8802220-11-03T03:25:06Z.

Trump had his last pre-election rally after Kenosha. His last event was in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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