Space tourism gathers momentum as Jeff Bezos follows Sir Richard Branson

Space tourism gathers momentum as Jeff Bezos follows Sir Richard Branson

It seems like every year now there’s news of another billionaire taking his first steps into outer space. And though it may seem like a far-fetched fantasy, the fact that we are getting closer to our first space tourists is yet another sign that space travel is becoming a reality.

Space tourism is a concept that has been talked about for years, but it’s only recently that the industry has come into its own. After all, space travel is beyond the reach of most of us mere mortals. And while rocket technology is advancing at an exponential rate, human space flight can only be achieved by launching a rocket into orbit—and then having it return to Earth.

Space travel—an expensive, risky, and distant dream for most—is now a reality, with the first of its kind commercial flights taking off in April. The trip, which takes two to three days, costs $200,000 per person and marks a serious step forward for commercial space travel, with the first class passengers being the first humans to travel to space. The ride also marks an important milestone for the aerospace industry, which has already seen its share of success stories in the last decade, from the successful launch of the Long March 3B, to the successful construction of the International Space Station as a result of the collaboration between NASA and Russia to build it.. Read more about space tourism cost and let us know what you think.

Space tourism gathers momentum as Jeff Bezos follows Sir Richard Branson


Jeff Bezos (57), a millionaire, is the first American to go to space. He is the founder and CEO of Amazon. His Blue Origin spacecraft launched from a desert location in West Texas, traveled to the edge of space, and then returned. He wrote history throughout the journey, which lasted little over 10 minutes. It was a smooth ride that opened the way for space tourism. He was accompanied by three other astronauts, who hailed the experience as “wonderful.” “My expectations were high, and they were substantially exceeded,” Bezos remarked. So far, space has been the province of scientists and researchers.

The International Space Station is a research facility where teams of specialists attempt to comprehend the behavior of living things in extreme environments like as space. Others may use this information to plan trips to the Moon and Mars.

This journey took place nine days after Sir Richard Branson became the first British space traveler. There is, nevertheless, a distinction. Branson was the first to reach space, but Bezos soared higher. Virgin Galactic of the former achieved a distance of 53 miles, while Virgin Galactic of the latter reached a distance of 62 miles. Their accomplishments open the door to another one-of-a-kind travel destination for people seeking something out of the ordinary.

On his journey to orbit, Bezos was accompanied by three people.

Jeff Bezos was part of a four-person team.

They were his brother Mark Bezos (53), Wally Funk (82), and Oliver Daemen, a pioneering female aviator (18). Funk and Daemen became the world’s oldest and youngest astronauts, respectively. Funk was a part of the so-called Mercury 13 group of female astronaut candidates. She couldn’t make it since she was a woman at the time, which was in the early 1960s.

Daemen, who was 18 at the time, was Blue Origin’s first paying client. In the Netherlands, he is a student. Bezos carefully selected the day. His space voyage took place on July 20. It was also the 50th anniversary of the first human landing on the moon. The men were Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, and the year was 1969. Sir Richard Branson’s team, incidentally, comprised four members, one of whom was a woman.

Zero-G, according to Bezos, was a “huge surprise” since “it seemed so natural.” According to a March media report, hotels in space catering to affluent guests may be a reality by 2027.

Bezos and his crew felt weightless once they were in space.

The launch was observed by members of the Bezos family and Blue Origin workers in the early hours of the morning. Along the roadway, there were also several onlookers. The aircraft did not reach orbit, but it was a watershed moment for Bezos, according to Mirror UK. He and his companions drifted about the capsule after releasing the straps in space. For them, the few minutes of weightlessness were a novel sensation. Under the guidance of parachutes, the capsule landed safely in the Texas desert.

With this mission, Bezos went another step toward establishing Blue Origin as a space tourism company. UBS, a Swiss investment firm, believes that the industry may be worth $3 billion per year in ten years. Later this year, Blue Origin intends to launch additional passenger flights. The amount of individuals from various nations that participated in an auction to be the first paying client demonstrates that there is a demand.

Wally Funk, an 82-year-old aviator, has become the world’s oldest person to fly in space.

Wally Funk studied to be an astronaut in the 1960s, according to the. Unfortunately, since she was a woman, the authorities passed her up for a space trip. She’s been striving to reach space ever since, and Jeff Bezos finally given her the chance.

She was a member of one of the Blue Origin’s quartets that accompanied him to the edge of space. She purchased $200,000 for a ticket on Virgin Galactic, founded by Sir Richard Branson, in 2010. Jeff Bezos, on the other hand, asked her to join him on his trip to the edge of space as a “honored guest.”


Space travel is, and will always be, one of the most expensive means of transportation. But, as more and more billionaires are being lured into the world of space travel, we’re seeing some of the industry’s biggest names get involved. Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, recently announced that he would be traveling into space. The journey will be aboard Branson’s Virgin Galactic airplane, which recently received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration. While you can book your trip on Virgin Galactic’s website for the low price of $250,000, those who want to get a little closer to the stars will be able to take a trip with Elon Musk’s SpaceX, which is said to be the most cost effective option.. Read more about richard branson net worth and let us know what you think.

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