Israel Lawmakers to Cast Vote of Confidence in New Government by June 14

Israel Lawmakers to Cast Vote of Confidence in New Government by June 14

Just over a month has passed since the elections for the 19th Knesset and the new prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has yet to be appointed. Until he is, the lawmaking body, the Knesset, is in charge of the country, much like the Senate in the US. The Knesset is divided into committees, one for each party, that get to work on different aspects of the country. Among other things, the Knesset holds the power to impeach the prime minister.

Israel’s Knesset was scheduled to vote on Sunday June 6 on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new coalition government. After weeks of political maneuvering and a series of cabinet reshuffles, most Israelis are expected to give the government a vote of confidence. But amid widespread speculation that the new coalition might collapse, the vote will be a closely watched test of Netanyahu’s political strength.

Israeli lawmakers are set to vote on whether to endorse the coalition of right-wing and religious parties that will lead Israel for the next four years. With a majority of seats in the Knesset, the party will have a majority in the coalition government, enabling it to form a government without the support of any of its rivals. The situation is unprecedented, and it will likely make for a tense and potentially long process. Even though the Likud will have a majority in the Knesset, it has struggled to form a government for years because of internal divisions.. Read more about israel new government 2021 and let us know what you think.Tel Aviv – Israeli lawmakers will meet before the June 14th session to express confidence in the new governing coalition, the Knesset president said Monday, but declined to name a date for the vote because Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Attempts to thwart a political scheme that could topple him. Speaker, Yariv Levine, member of Netanyahu’s Likud party, said a date for the confidence vote would be communicated to lawmakers later. The Speaker of the House of Representatives could delay the vote until June 14, a week that would allow Netanyahu and his supporters to continue their campaign to persuade right-wing lawmakers in the new coalition to vote against forming a new government. The departure of one or two lawmakers could prevent the new coalition from gaining a majority and lead to new elections, which would be the country’s fifth since 2019. Israel Lawmakers to Cast Vote of Confidence in New Government by June 14

Binyamin Netanyahu says the new government will not be able to deal with Israel’s many enemies.

Photo: Ariel Shalit/Associated Press Last week, Naftali Bennett, who heads Yamin’s right-wing party, and Yair Lapid, who heads the centrist Yesh Atid party, and six other parties, including an independent Arab party, have agreed to form a broad coalition government to replace the outgoing president after 12 years in power. Coalition leaders have accused Mr Netanyahu and his right-wing Likud party of trying to dissolve the coalition to stay in power. They called on Mr Levin to call a vote of confidence as early as Wednesday, fearing that Mr Netanyahu’s fiery rhetoric could create an atmosphere that could lead to violence. When leaders use violence and incitement against members of the Knesset, against their children, against the very essence of the democratic process, we need a change, Lapid said Monday. MPs from the new coalition, especially those from the right wing, said they had been the target of numerous threats, forcing some of them to flee their homes. Several members of the new coalition have been given extra security after threats were made against them. Nadav Argaman, head of the Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic intelligence agency, issued a rare warning Saturday that incitement and calls for violence in Israel have reached dangerous levels, especially on social media. Mr Netanyahu denies any connection with the incitement. Instead, he said, there are attempts to silence legitimate political protests against what he called a dangerous leftist government. He says the new administration will not be able to deal with Israel’s many enemies and will not oppose the Biden administration’s opposition to Israeli settlement construction in the occupied West Bank.

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A personal tour of the top scoops and stories that appear daily in the Wall Street Journal. He also claims that Mr Bennett is undermining the will of his voters because the potential future prime minister promised before the March elections not to form a government with Mr Lapid. We are witnessing the greatest electoral fraud in the history of this country. So the people rightly feel cheated, Netanyahu said Sunday in statements to his party. Mr Netanyahu’s comments on electoral fraud drew comparisons with those of the former president of the republic. Donald Trump after his defeat in the 2020 U.S. election. Last week. Facebook и Twitter temporarily suspended some of the social media accounts of Netanyahu’s son, Yair, after he called for a demonstration in front of the house of Bennett’s party MP and posted the MP’s home address. word-image-3500

Naftali Bennett, who stands to gesture, is a former adviser to Mr Netanyahu. As agreed by the coalition, he will serve as Prime Minister for two years.

Photo: Menachem Kahana/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images In a televised broadcast on Sunday night, Bennett rejected Netanyahu’s claim that the new government is undemocratic. It’s not a disaster… It’s a change of government. A common and familiar phenomenon in any democracy. The system of the state of Israel is not monarchical, Bennett said. Bennett, a former adviser to Netanyahu, called on the outgoing president to stop trying to prevent the formation of a new government. Mr. Netanyahu, don’t let the country scorch, Mr. Bennett said. As agreed by the coalition, Mr. Bennett will serve his first two-year term as prime minister, followed by Mr. Lapid. The spin appears to be aimed at right-wing Israeli Jews who previously supported the Netanyahu government and who now see Bennett as distancing himself from the country’s longest-serving prime minister, against whom a corruption trial is pending. Mr. Netanyahu denies any wrongdoing.

Israeli-Palestinian crisis

Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won a second term in office on Tuesday, May 9, after his Likud party and a smaller right-wing faction, Yisrael Sheli, agreed on a coalition with the centrist Yesh Atid party. Netanyahu and Yesh Atid’s leader Yair Lapid have been negotiating for weeks over the government’s political platform and economic policy.. Read more about israel will defend itself and let us know what you think.

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