How to Survive Your First End of Year Office Party?

How to Survive Your First End of Year Office Party?
How to Survive Your First End of Year Office Party?
How to Survive Your First End of Year Office Party?

It is a tradition for most organizations to hold end-of-year parties where their staff can get together and mingle before breaking for the Christmas holidays. This is usually a chance for employees and bosses to break the professional barrier a little bit and get to know each other on a more personal level and even become lifetime friends.

When you are new at a company, and you are about to attend your first end-of-year party with them, you might worry about what to expect and have a hard time preparing yourself for the party.

Here are a few tips to help you get through your first Christmas party this year.

Confirm Your Attendance

Confirm Your Attendance

Attend your office’s holiday party if you receive an invitation. Not attending the celebration sends the message that you don’t care or aren’t a team player.

If you have other plans that might coincide with the party, you’d rather re-schedule them for another day. It’s extremely vital for new employees to attend your office’s holiday celebration. 

An office holiday party is a terrific way to interact with your employer and coworkers while also demonstrating that you’re more than just your job title.

They’re more likely to want to work with you, help you, and be involved with you at work once you’ve established a personal connection with them by engaging with them at the Christmas party.

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Choose Your Outfit Carefully

Choose Your Outfit Carefully

You might want to consider having a chat with your closest friend in the office to find out how to dress for the party. If they have been in the company for a long time, then they probably have already studied the dressing patterns for the parties. The dressing code for most office parties is determined by the age group of the employees. 

If you work in an office with a larger percentage of millennials, then you do not have to worry too much about showing up in your minidress and stilettos because the majority of the others will be dressed almost the same. You can also go out on your makeup and even put on your 20mm mink lashes. It will probably be a fashion competition. 

Drink Responsibly

Drink Responsibly

Many office parties usually provide free alcohol to their members. You may be tempted to over-indulge as you usually do on your weekends with your girlfriends but don’t. This is still your workplace, and respect has to be maintained. Alcohol can make you forget your etiquette and do something you didn’t mean to. 

Do not become the employee who drank too much and ended up embarrassing themselves. Remember that the people that you hold in high regard are there watching you. You do not want to be the talk of the office in the new year when you resume work.

Mingle With Others

Mingle With Others

You are new and probably still shy around most of your colleagues, but try to sit and hold conversations with others. Might be out of your comfort zone but you cannot work with people and not talk to them. If you feel that a topic is too sensitive for you to contribute, then just keep quiet and listen; rather than saying something rude.

It is normal for employees to disagree in the office but do not bring office grudges into an office party. This time is specifically meant for you to have fun and get to know your colleagues.

Do not dismiss others when you don’t agree with their perspectives on different things. Also, this is not the time to spark up any office romance with a coworker.

Bring Something

Bring Something

It is always a polite gesture to bring something with you to a party or event. It is tradition to carry a meal or a drink when you are attending a thanksgiving celebration; the same goes for an office party.

There might be free drinks and food available, but you can always bring an extra bottle of wine with you or a homemade meal.

Showing up empty-handed is just in bad taste, especially to such events. You can even buy a gift for your boss and bring it to the party.

Some offices have a culture of exchanging gifts during their Christmas parties. Each person gets to have a secret Santa who will give them a present. Make sure you get something for your giftee.

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An office party might not be like the party you go to with your friends, but that doesn’t mean that you should not have fun. If there is no fun involved, then it probably does not even qualify to be called a party.

But moderation is key for such events. Everything you do should not be over-exaggerated, even eating. Do not stuff your mouth with food like a greedy person; you will be ridiculed by everyone.

Don’t give your colleagues something to laugh about when they are on lunch break in the office. It is also advisable that you wait to leave with the others; leaving early might send the wrong message to the group.

Hopefully, this article has provided you with the answers that you were looking for. Good luck and have a blast.

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