Gregg Williams ouster shines light on New York Jets’ organizational flaws – New York Jets Blog

Gregg Williams ouster shines light on New York Jets’ organizational flaws – New York Jets Blog
Gregg Williams ouster shines light on New York Jets’ organizational flaws – New York Jets Blog

Maybe this will bring the New York Jets out of the shadows. Maybe in a few years they’ll remember Greg Williams and his cover-0 fiasco as their zero hour. Sometimes an organization has to sink to the bottom before it can get up again.

If this leads the Jets to Trevor Lawrence’s quarterback project and it reaches its immense potential, Williams will be remembered as their version of Joe the Writer, the notorious 1978 crash at Meadows Miracle. This eternal blunder plunged the unfortunate New York giants into chaos, leading to the cleanup of the house, resulting in the appointment of CEO George Young, who turned them into champions.

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Williams cheated too, which cost him his job Monday morning. The man who fired him, Coach Adam Geys, will soon join him in the ranks of the unemployed, so don’t get too carried away by this dynamic. The big question is whether the front office and the owners can learn from their mistakes and apply them in the near future – when the next search for a trainer for the jets starts.

Today’s culture stinks partly because of the imperfect organizational structure.

Geys and Williams were an arranged marriage, as were many important tandems in recent Jets history (Geyse-Mike McCannanan, McCann-Todd Bowles and Rex Ryan-John Ijik). They rarely work. When the jet-blowers interviewed Geiss as head coach in January 2019, she had already identified Williams as the defense coordinator. They brought the idea to Gaza, and he contacted them because he really wanted the job.

He promised William autonomy. I stay away from you, and you stay away from me. In fact, the jets were driven by two main cars – or two coordinators, depending on how you look at it. It worked pretty well throughout the year, avoiding public disagreements and adding 7 to 9 people to the team in 2019.

This season has been different, cracks have appeared in their ill-considered foundations. Williams started to make some strange personnel decisions, made Marcus May a strong defender (it didn’t take long), put the corner of Pierre Desir on the bench several times and, most importantly, in week two, Alec Ogletri started playing against veteran Avery Williamson against 49-year-old players from San Francisco. Ogletree, Williams’ favorite from Los Angeles Ramsey, was so slow and in bad shape that he couldn’t get off the meter.

Fault! The file name is not specified. Adam Gayes, coach of the Jets, and Gregg Williams, former defense coordinator, have not been able to synchronize as liaison coaches this season because the Jets are 0-12. Jasen Vinlove/USA TODAY Sports

Public glances kept the peace without ever questioning the decision. He stayed away from Williams and let his head coordinator run his own kingdom. There were times when Haze didn’t hear of the defensive changes until late in the Friday night.

It’s not like running an organization. The coach must own the whole team, not just one side of the ball. When hiring the next coach, it must be the type of CEO willing to step out of his comfort zone and take over 53 players. Do you see that? Giants coach Joe Judge, former special team coordinator. The new coach must also be able to choose his own shots; none of these guns must be defective.

The Gase-Williams dynamic has created a division based on the One Jets Drive that attacks the defense. This was the case for Ryan and Bowles, who both focused on their specialty, defense. The division was even more pronounced under Gus and Williams, who operated in parallel universes.

Tension shot up in October when Williams said he was tired of seeing the defense prize 30 points per game. Asked for a reconnaissance, he returned to the fire, and you can tell it wasn’t a hidden shot when Geiss attacked. The private gauze was pierced, the angry Williams broke his orders to the team: Whatever happens, don’t point the finger.

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The last power outage took place on Sunday, when Gaze heard in his headphones that Williams, with a four-point cable and 13 seconds on the clock, sounded a flash of 0 coverage. Who does that? It was an ego challenge that challenged the logic of football. That was Williams, he’s from Bounty Gate, he told everyone, I’ll show them. We’ll finish the game in a bag.

The gauze could have been used, but no, he was too busy with another case.

Sometimes you talk about a series of situations during a game and it emerges, he says, in reference to a non-aggressive decision. I would have liked to take some time off, but I didn’t.

He then lets Gregg be Gregg – too aggressive, greedy for punches. Williams has made some bad decisions, but the cut deserves to be condemned as well. He didn’t do anything to stop it. He watched his inexperienced and overworked defensive coach, Las Vegas Raiders John Gruden, and quarterback Derek Carr. They knew Williams would send the house, said a Raiders source, and they adapted.

Boom! 46-yard touchdown at Henry Ruggs III. The game is over.

Street fans were excited because it brought them closer to Lawrence, the supposed number one. The reality is that the Star Climons Tigers will not change the future if this franchise can not learn from its past and present.

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