Gracyn Courtright: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Gracyn Courtright: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Gracyn Courtright: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


Gracyn Cortright is a University of Kentucky student accused of sedition at the U.S. Capitol.

Gracyn Cortright is a 23-year-old University of Kentucky student from West Virginia who was arrested in connection with the riots at the U.S. Capitol on the 6th. January 2021 will be charged. According to federal prosecutors, the judge posted photos on Instagram showing her at a pro-Trump rally in Washington before the trouble began and tweeted videos of her in the Capitol building during the siege.

According to a prosecutor’s affidavit, Courtright was arrested on the 16th. January: Charged with entering or remaining in a building or restricted area without lawful authority, knowingly committing disorder or disorderly conduct in a building or restricted area, forcibly entering and committing disorderly conduct on Capitol Hill property, and stealing government property valued at less than $1,000.

In his Instagram photo caption of the pro-Trump rally on Capitol Hill, Cortright wrote, I can’t wait to tell my grandkids I was here! The series of three photos contained 106 flavors and 19 comments at the time it was taken. Courtright has since deleted his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages. The prosecution included a screenshot of this image in the court documents:

The US Attorney in the DCGracyn Courtright case released this information on Instagram after the Capitol siege, according to federal prosecutors.

Federal prosecutors say the right to a trial was also evident in the members’ video footage alone as they walked through the Capitol building. According to court documents, surveillance video from the Capitol shows you entering the courtroom through a door on the west staircase of the Senate at 2:42 p.m. and climbing the stairs outside the Senate chamber at 3:01 p.m. with a sign for members only. According to court documents, no admitted litigant was allowed to enter the Senate chamber. Surveillance video also shows a police officer taking a plate from Courtright as she leaves the building at 3:05 p.m. This photo is also included in the court documents:

The U.S. attorney in the DCGracyn Courtright case was filmed holding a sign that members were alone in the Capitol during the riots, according to federal prosecutors.

Litigation and his father, who is an attorney, could not immediately be contacted by Heavy for comment. The court records do not show whether Judge Suwright hired an attorney to speak on his behalf. A warrant had been issued for his arrest, but on the evening of the 17th. In January, we did not know if or when she would be taken into custody.

He is one of the youngest people to be publicly accused of sedition on Capitol Hill. Only Hunter Emke, a 20-year-old Californian, is younger. Criminal Justice is also one of the few known women to have lived in the country since the 17th century. Janvier have been indicted. From the age of 15. Another 55 people, including 50 men and five women, were charged in January, according to the George Washington University extremism program database. The average age of people holding public office today is 43, according to a case study analysis by the GWU program.

Here’s what you need to know about Gracyn Cartwright:

1. Publishes a photo on Instagram with the caption Infamy is as good as famous

The U.S. prosecutor in the DCGracyn Courtright case was seen taking an Instagram screenshot in court documents.

Correct the invitation on the 6th or 7th. Janvier uploaded a selfie in his Instagram story before shutting down his account with the legend: Rape is as good as famous. Anyway, I’m getting more and more famous. XOXO. The Instagram photo was released after she shared photos from the rally and a video from Capitol Hill, according to court documents. She defended herself against those on social media who urged her to attend the rally and headquarters.

Federal authorities obtained Justice Act information after asking the public who may have been on Capitol Hill during the siege. FBI Special Agent Mariam Hannah wrote in an affidavit: After the incident, the FBI reviewed screenshots from an Instagram account named @gracyn_dawn. The name of this account is the same as Courtright’s first and middle names. This account has since been deleted, so your partner could not view the photos on the Instagram page. However, the photos shown were captured and shared with law enforcement through screenshots.

Hannah said they were able to identify Curtright from a yellow striped cap, a black bulletproof vest, a black shirt over a pink shirt, black pants, light pink socks and a black gym bag that she carried in her Instagram photos on Capitol Hill. Hannah also compared the Instagram photos to Courtright’s West Virginia driver’s license and found significant physical similarities, including hair color, facial texture and dimples on both sides of her face.

Hannah said a Twitter video provided by the FBI and posted by Courtright shows her walking around the Capitol and singing USA with others, while another video shows her singing their home, our home to a line of agents. She was identified from these videos because they pointed the camera at her and Hannah saw that she was wearing a yellow cap with a yellow stripe, according to court documents. Hannah also said Courtright can be seen in a Capitol Hill crowd photo in the Washington Post as her unique yellow striped hat is draped over other people.

2. Courtright, a University of Kentucky graduate from West Virginia, said on Instagram IDK’s post what treason is and declared the siege peaceful on Twitter.

VSCOGracyn Courtright is a graduate of the University of Kentucky.

Federal authorities were also able to continue the process after the Kentucky Kernel student newspaper detailed on social media her participation in the Stop the Theft rally and at the Capitol building, according to court documents. Cortright, originally from Hurricane, West Virginia, graduated from the University of Kentucky.

Cortright, who has a twin sister, is studying mathematical economics at the University of Kentucky, according to his merit page. She was named to the Dean’s List after the fall and spring 2020 semesters, according to Courtright’s articles in the Merit pages.

Courtright exchanged Instagram messages with someone who then sent screenshots of the conversation to the FBI, according to court documents. The one who sent him the message wrote: Were you there? And Courtright said: Yeah, it wasn’t violent like the news said, I took pictures of everything in the building, I never saw any violence, I guess I got lucky. The police love it when we come in. Courtright said she went to the area where the senate lists are and said it’s a story. I thought it was cool.

The man she was texting with at the time called her an idiot and told her and her husband it was a mistake: What’s cool is that this woman died because you and your idiot friends are choice shills, she died in obvious reference to Ashley Babbitt who was shot by Capitol Police when she climbed through a broken window near the floor of the house. Is this a story? You’re on the wrong side of an idiot. You’ve embarrassed everyone you know, the message said.

Courtright replied: Am I sad that she’s dead? My friends are my friends every day? Someone else wrote then: What you did was a betrayal. Worthright replied: I don’t know what betrayal is. Worthright also said later in the interview that she was not ashamed of what she had done.

On Twitter, using his @gracyn_forever account, Courtright tweeted along with the video : The police came with us, no one’s violent !!!! (From what I saw.) In another tweet from the video, she wrote CHANTING !!!!!!!!!!!. Nobody is fighting or destroying anything, some of my viewers on CNN and Fox News should think so themselves.

3. Courtright’s father, a lawyer, said his daughter would only talk to the FBI if she agreed not to get in trouble.

VSCOGracyn Courtright is from West Virginia.

According to court documents, an FBI agent named Curtright’s father, Gregory Curtright, on the 12th. January. Gregory Cortright is an attorney in Hurricane, West Virginia. According to the affidavit of FBI agent Mariam Hanna, Courtright’s father admitted that his daughter was involved in the Capitol disturbances and said she would cooperate with law enforcement.

But according to court documents, Gregory Swarright was arrested on the 14th. He contacted him in January to arrange an FBI interview with his daughter and said he didn’t feel comfortable putting her on the stand if she wasn’t informed she wouldn’t get in trouble for her actions. Gregory Cortright told an FBI agent that his daughter had come to D.C. to attend a party and spent the night at the home of high school friends who live in D.C.

Hannah wrote in her affidavit: According to her father, she stood in front of a crowd during President Donald Trump’s speech. Her father also said she came to Capitol Hill an hour after Trump’s speech….. Her father said she remembered climbing the ramp in front of the Capitol entrance and getting in. Finally, the father stated that he would encourage his daughter to report to authorities if she is accused of a crime.

4. 3 charges of copyright infringement are felonies and she may be sentenced to 3 years in federal prison if convicted.

VSCOGracyn Courtright is charged with three felonies.

All three charges in federal court in Washington are felonies. Two of the charges, illegal entry and theft, are punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment of up to one year in a federal prison. The third count, unlawful activity, is punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment for up to six months. It’s unlikely she’ll get the maximum sentence or a sentence close to it. We don’t know if she has a criminal record.

According to court documents, the Capitol was a restricted building when the judiciary came in. Entered a sealed or otherwise restricted area of a building or premises where the President or other person under the protection of the Secret Service, including the Vice President, is or will be temporarily present. The FBI also said Courtright violated a law that makes it illegal to march, demonstrate or picket at the Capitol building. And a third indictment accuses him of stealing a membership board worth less than $1,000.

Cortright’s father told the FBI that although he is a lawyer, his daughter would have hired her own lawyer if she had been charged. It is not immediately clear whether Courtright has hired a lawyer and when he is due to appear in court for the first time. She will likely be charged first in Kentucky or West Virginia, depending on where she is arrested, and then the case will be presented to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The case was assigned to Judge Zia Farooqi of the District of Columbia.

5. A motion was made to require the University of Kentucky to exclude the right to sue – The University states that it does not comment on disciplinary cases involving individual students

WSOS students and alumni are asking the University of Kentucky to pull Gracyn Kurt out of school.

Branden Gobely, a political science student at the University of Kentucky, filed a petition on asking the University of Kentucky to expel Richter Law. The petition has over 1500 signatures.

I cannot put into words how offended and disgusted I felt when I found out that one of my classmates was at my university, Gobely wrote on Gracyn Courtright’s actions today undermine the democratic values championed by the University of Kentucky and the United States, undermine the institutions that are the foundation of our great democracy, and completely undermine and undermine the work that I and thousands of other students at the University of Kentucky do every day to increase student civic engagement and protect our democratic values and institutions.

Gobeli added: The University of Kentucky has no room for such actions.

In a statement on Twitter, the school said we have a policy of not discussing the disciplinary problems of individual students. In general, the Code of Conduct applies to students both on and off campus. When local, state or federal laws are violated, the Student Code of Conduct applies.

The University of Kentucky begins its spring semester, which will also be Courtright’s last semester at UK on the 25th. January. It is not yet known if Kurtreit will be enrolled at the beginning of the semester.

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