Electoral College: Some Republicans plan to challenge Biden’s victory. Here’s what happened when Democrats challenged Bush

Electoral College: Some Republicans plan to challenge Biden’s victory. Here’s what happened when Democrats challenged Bush
Electoral College: Some Republicans plan to challenge Biden’s victory. Here’s what happened when Democrats challenged Bush

Democrats and even some Republicans warn of the dangers, despite the precedent set by Boxer. In an interview with CNN, Boxer said that the circumstances in which Trump and her allies tried to overturn the national election this year are very different from the circumstances in which she joined the then Ohio Democratic Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones in resisting the loss of Kerry.

It was not our intention to cancel the election in any way. Our intention was to focus on the oppression of voters in Ohio, said a retired Democrat from California who said her objection was her most proud moment in the Senate. You’re talking about the vote stolen from the presidency by Donald Trump. That’s not even a good comparison.

The Congress will discuss the votes of the Electoral College in a joint session on October 6. January’s story was Trump’s last chance to try and ruin the election he lost to Biden. In fact, Trump’s Republican allies have virtually no chance to change the outcome, only delaying the inevitable confirmation of Biden as the winner and next president of the electoral college.

That didn’t stop Mr. Trump, who falsely claims to have won the election, from pressuring Congress to challenge the results next month. Just before Christmas, Trump welcomed White House Republicans from the House of Representatives, who were trying to reverse the election college results, by GOP representative Mo Brooks of Alabama.

I think we have different senators, and it’s not a question of numbers, Brooks said last week.

According to Brooks, Republicans are preparing to fight Biden’s victory in six states, which would take a dozen hours of debate in the House and Senate and turn the Biden victory march into a political circus.

GOP Senator leaves door open for appeal.

However, in order to force a vote by contesting the results of the state elections, a senator must, together with a member of Congress, submit a written objection to the results. McConnell, who acknowledged Biden’s victory, warned his conference not to join the House GOP effort and to force a politically poisonous vote by the Senate GOP conference to side with Trump or not.

But Tuberville, which defeated former District Attorney Jeff Sessions Trump Sessions in Republican Alabama, left the door open last week to appeal for the results of the Election College. Tuberville’s remarks prompt Trump to tweet about the new senator from Alabama who might challenge McConnell and talk to him over the weekend.

I spoke with the great Mr Tommy Tuberville last night and he is so excited about what Trump said to Rudy Giuliani in a short call on Giuliani’s radio show at WABC on December 20. said.

He said: They’ve made me the most popular politician in the United States, Trump said. He’s awesome.

If Tuberville or another senator joins the House to object, the two Houses separate and discuss the objections of each State for two hours before the vote. Because Democrats control the House, these efforts have virtually no chance of success, and even in the Republican-controlled Senate, many Republicans say there has been no widespread fraud.

Last week in the Senate, South Dakota, Senator John Thune, the number two Republican in the Senate, said like a beaten dog. I don’t think it makes sense to subject everyone to this procedure if you know what the end result will be.

Previous occupation not permitted without Senate support

The joint meeting for the counting of votes in the electoral college on 6. January will be led by Vice President Mike Pence, who attended Monday’s White House meeting with Trump and House Republicans, asking questions about how he will handle the embarrassment of fixing Biden’s victory on his own presidential ticket.

This is the same position as that of former Vice President Al Gore in 2001, after his stabbing defeat for Bush, which led to a controversial recount in Florida. In that vote, the Democrats of Florida protested the result, but no senator objected, and the attempt was successful.

This is what happened in 2017, when a democratic group in the House of Representatives rejected Trump’s victory in several states, citing Russian interference in the elections and the suppression of voters. But no senator joined the House, and Biden, who chaired the meeting as Senate President, renounced all objections and greeted Trump as the winner.

We have tried to draw attention to the attempts (by Russian President Vladimir) to undermine and sabotage the American elections, said the representative of Maryland Jamie Raskin, one of the Democrats who opposed the 2017 elections. Of course, Vladimir Putin’s cyber attacks against the DNC and (Hillary) Clinton’s campaign, as well as his attempts to manipulate American public opinion through social media, are far more important than fraud or corruption in the 2020 elections.

House GOP leaders cite the former Democratic objections, including those of Boxer and House Democrats in 2017, as justification for questioning Biden’s victory next month.

If a Republican has done this, it’s clearly not the first time, said Steve Scalise last week, a member of the minority in the House who has yet to recognize Biden as president. In the last three terms, all Republican presidents have been challenged by the Democrats.

Someone tried to strangle me

In 2005, Boxer, together with Tubbs Jones, protested Bush’s victory in Ohio, which was the decisive election victory over Kerry in 2004.

This is only the second time since the adoption of the electoral law of 1887 that a demonstration forced two houses to vote for state recognition of the results of the electoral college, according to the Congressional Research Service. The first was the only disbelieving North Carolina voter who voted for George Wallace instead of Richard Nixon in 1969. This appeal, too, was dismissed by both Boards.

Boxer said Tubbs Jones, who died in 2008, convinced her to join the 2005 appeal by showing her the problems that arose in Ohio’s election, including long lines at the polling stations, broken voting machines and high rejection rates for preliminary ballots in the state’s African-American communities.

This objection has no basis in the hope or even suspicion of reversing the president’s victory, said Tubbs Jones on the floor of the meeting when the two chambers split for debate. But it is a necessary, timely and appropriate opportunity to review and correct the most costly process of our democracy.

In the Senate, co-Democratic boxers have spoken out in favour of the fight against electoral repression. But at the time of the vote, only Boxer voted for the protest. She lost 74 to 1.

The vote in the Meeting was 267-31, counting Ohio’s vote.

It was one of my most proud moments, even though I was alone, Boxer told CNN. I was very unpopular in the Senate that day – people wanted to strangle me.

A few weeks after raising objections in Electoral College, Boxer and Tubbs Jones joined Senator Hillary Clinton in introducing new legislation on voting rights, but she failed to make progress in the Republican-controlled Senate.

In hindsight I think we were very smart, because it got worse with the oppression of the voters after that, said Boxer. We had hoped that our position would pave the way for legislation, but we never managed to get it through the Republican Senate. We couldn’t get him out.

Manu Raju, Ali Zaslav, Daniella Diaz and Caitlan Collins and Sarah Westwood contributed to this report.

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