Eagles Defensive Coordinator Reveals True Feelings on Malcolm Jenkins

Eagles Defensive Coordinator Reveals True Feelings on Malcolm Jenkins
Eagles Defensive Coordinator Reveals True Feelings on Malcolm Jenkins


Malcolm Jenkins was originally composed by the Saints in 2009.

Forgive Jim Schwartz for being a little careful these days praising players he admires. The Philadelphia Eagles defense coordinator doesn’t want to get in trouble if he compliments someone too much. Especially not a former team leader who held the defense as a superglue.

Malcolm Jenkins returns to Philadelphia for the first time after joining a free office for saints in New Orleans. While banning fans from the city on COVID-19 will not benefit the locals, the safety of the Pro Bowl will be watched with respect from behind the scenes at the Eagles. Schwarz described Jenkins as the smartest player he’s ever coached, while at the same time saying how much he meant to a coach on a personal level.

That’s all I can rent. I’m in trouble because of the player’s praise, Schwarz said about Jenkins. I mean, this guy really meant a lot to me personally, to our defense and to our team. He’s not playing for us anymore. I cheer for him like crazy, 15 games a year, but I’m not gonna cheer for him on Sunday. We’re gonna try to follow him, and he’s gonna try to follow us, and that’s the NFL.

Jim Schwartz on Malcolm Jenkins.

He’s one of the best professionals in my career. He takes notes at a meeting as a beginner, works in practice, exhausts the boardroom, exhausts the film. He is a very conventional player pic.twitter.com/yUd61zqxV2.

– John Clark (@JClarkNBCS) 5. September 2019.

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Guaranteed Jenkins bag, smartest player

The best form of respect a defensive coordinator can give a player is to give him a chance to change his game. That doesn’t often happen in the middle of a fight in the NFL, but Jenkins did it in Philadelphia.

Schwartz remembers last year’s game against the Seattle Six when Jenkins asked him to move the call to third place. He heard the offensive line say something about the Eagles’ defense. Jenkins knew right away that if they switched rooms, they could reach Russell Wilson. All he needed was Schwartz to buy it.

Jim Schwartz said he thought Malcolm Jenkins was the smartest player he ever coached. #Eagles #Saints pic.twitter.com/oh2tDrLIFf

– John McMullen (@JFMcMullen) 8. December 2020.

I don’t think I’ve ever been smarter than a player, Schwartz. He heard the offensive line say something about the way we look, and that’s the only time in four years I can remember. He stood on the sidelines and said Schwartz, the third caller after that. I guarantee we’ll get the bag. I had so much faith in him that I called the next third party, and everything happened exactly as he said, and we stopped.

Bring the energy that @MalcolmJenkins brings to the overtime coin game #Sacred pic.twitter.com/Txame0xerF

– 1. The New Orleans Saints (@Saints) 2. The New Orleans Saints (@Saints) November 2020.

The other thing Jenkins never did was, according to Schwartz, make a mistake. He gives the 12-year veteran the credits with playing seven different defensive positions and knowing them all.

I mean he did his job so effectively that if he made a mistake, it was only a year, Schwartz said. The other players will make a few mistakes per game. Very, very rarely – as if he was doing it as a last minute news item, that he had missed a mission or that he wasn’t in the right place. He was just a player who always did the right thing.

Linebacker SpotInjury updates

Let’s go back to the present state of defense of the Eagles. A group of linebackers have been injured in recent days as T.J. Edwards struggled with a hamstring and Davion Taylor suffered a serious knee injury.

Nate Jerry, mid-level linebacker, was killed on the 30th. October in the injury reserve and operated on a torn Achilles this week. That should drop Alex Singleton and Duke Riley with a lot more points and maybe even strengthen the role of Sean Bradley’s rookie in defence. Last week he saw three shots at the defense when he was transferred to special teams for most of the year.

That’s life in the big city. That’s what’s going on, Mr. Schwartz. Put a little more pressure on the healthy boys to get out of here.

And we’re two good friends anyone can have! @NathanGerry

A successful operation. #Besties #flyeaglesfly pic.twitter.com/lfxcS6lOx1

– @LaneJohnson65 8. December 2020.


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