Games Inbox: Best 3D Zelda, Final Fantasy 6 remake, and Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness review

Games Inbox: Best 3D Zelda, Final Fantasy 6 remake, and Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness review
Games Inbox: Best 3D Zelda, Final Fantasy 6 remake, and Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness review

In the latest edition of our Games Inbox, we cover some of the biggest releases and upcoming games. We also discuss how blockchain will revolutionize gaming and what this means for the industry

The the legend of zelda: skyward sword reviews is a game that has been released recently. It has received mixed reviews, but it is still worth playing.

Is Zelda: Twilight Princess the greatest of the series? (Photo courtesy of Nintendo)

Battlefield 2042 may be on track to surpass Call of Duty this year, according to the Thursday Inbox, while one reader wonders who wants Final Fantasy X-3.

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The modern epoch A good review of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, as well as some insightful observations on the condition of post-N64 Zelda games. If we disregard Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, I believe it’s a tough issue to answer, particularly because I’m not a huge fan of Breath Of The Wild (it’s a nice game, but it’s not a Zelda for me).

Twilight Princess is one of my favorite movies. It may not be as creative as the others, but it lacks significant faults, like as The Wind Waker’s dull open world and Skyward Sword’s clumsy controls. I’d accept A Link Between Worlds as the solution, but the visuals in that game are so bad that it takes away from my pleasure. The visuals don’t have to be spectacular, but they shouldn’t be awful either.

Whatever the truth is, it doesn’t really matter since Zelda seems to be in excellent health right now. I’m not a huge fan of Breath Of The Wild, but I’m excited to see where the sequel, as well as any subsequent games and spin-offs, go. Camphor

The tale comes to a close. Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, GC gets a good review. It matches how I’ve grown to think of the game in recent years, as well as my expectations for the remake. I’d never given it much thought that Zelda as a franchise had gone through a difficult period after the N64 era. There were several excellent games throughout that time, but you’re correct that none came close to being the greatest. It’s clear why they want to do something different with Breath Of The Wild.

I’m curious whether the new game will make any explicit allusions to Skyward Sword, either in terms of gameplay or narrative. The material in the air looks a lot like Skyward Sword, and we still don’t know why Hyrule Island and all these other islands are in the sky in the first place.

If Breath Of The Wild is towards the end of the chronology, the sequel would likely be even later, so maybe we’ll finally receive some answers about the Ganon threat? Onibee

Fantasy in the Retro Era Final Fantasy 6 is one of the titles I hope Square Enix remakes in the future, since Final Fantasy 7 was my first Final Fantasy game and my first Japanese role-playing game, and I never played it when it was released on the SNES. I’ve heard from some people online that 6 is the greatest, but making it with the original SNES game recreated for PlayStation 5 would take a lot of effort. I know you can buy a digital copy of the original on the PS Vita, but a remake for the PlayStation 5 would be fantastic. Andrew J. is a member of the Andrew J. PS. From Thursday, July 15th at 4pm, Obduction and Offworld Trading Company will be available for free on the Epic Store. Obduction is a game made by the same people that made Myst. Offworld Trading Company was previously given away for free on Epic Store, but if you missed it, you may pick it up at 4 p.m. When you add the free games to your Epic Account today, I notice Epic is employing captcha.

GC: It’s been a while since we’ve played it, but it used to be one of our favorites.

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The huge opportunity It’s interesting that EA announces that Battlefield 2042 will feature a PC cross-play opt-out only days after the Call Of Duty problem becomes viral on Reddit. Maybe it’s simply a coincidence, but everything so far indicates that EA is on the ball with this new game and is aiming squarely at Call Of Duty.

It’s difficult to tell how things are going until Activision officially announces their new game, but I believe many people are upset by the idea that it’ll be set around WWII, thus EA may be in a situation where Call Of Duty is at its peak.

They’ll never defeat Warzone, at least not soon, but this seems to be their best shot in terms of paid-for games. Goblix

Catch-up on indie music I just came across two games that piqued my interest: the first is Wildermyth, and the second is Umurangi Generation. Have you had a chance to play either and do you intend to write a review?

Also, I recall you praising Sunless Skies a while back, a game that’s been on my radar ever since. I saw that the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch ports are now available; do you have any experience with either? Keep doing what you’re doing! DuckOfDeath82

GC: The issue is that both games are just a few months old, making it difficult to justify the effort spent on a review. However, we’ve heard great things about Wildermyth, so we’ll see if we can squeeze it in. The console version of Sunless Skies was never released, however the Switch version of Sunless Sea performed well.

Fans of hardware I’m pleased to see Microsoft admitting that the Xbox controller was a letdown and that they’re taking steps to rectify the situation. I’d say I’m not sure why they missed it, but the apparent answer is that they intended to encourage consumers to purchase the more costly Elite model instead. To put it another way, it’s just plain old corporate greed.

I’m not picking on Microsoft since everyone does it, but it does make me wonder how individuals can get so devoted to one business. I don’t know anybody who considers themselves a “fan” of EA or Activision, despite the fact that they produce the most popular games, and yet comments directed at Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo are treated as if they’ve just cussed out their mother.

It’s been like that for a long time, but now nobody stans for Sega since they don’t manufacture consoles anymore? Is this to say that if Nintendo ever became third-party, its supporters would suddenly become less loyal? PhantomZ

Worst personal experience The whole Joy-Con drift issue is, in my opinion, the worst thing Nintendo has done in a long time. I’m sure they’re working on a solution behind the scenes, but this isn’t a simple game patch that can be released without notice. Maybe they wouldn’t have been sued as much if they had informed people what was going on. Or, at the very least, ensured that their return/repair policy was consistent.

If everything with the Nintendo OLED is miraculously fine, I’m not sure what it means for anybody else, since I’m not going out and buying a new pair right now. Spectro

News about games:

President of the Residency The other night, I watched Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness on Netflix. It did just enough to pass the time, but I believe I preferred the tales in the games. When you get to participate in their nonsense, it’s much better. The inclusion of the White House as one of the locations, on the other hand, piqued my curiosity. Why hasn’t this been done before in the games? It seems to be a great concept!

The sense of location is one of the greatest things about Resident Evil 1 and 2, with both Spencer Mansion and Racoon City Police Station feeling full of character and flavor. The White House seems to be a perfect match for the series, since it is both famous and rich in history. With some surrounding gardens, lots of chambers to explore, and an underground bunker, it seems to be the ideal size.

Not to mention the prospect of a zombie president in the White House! They could add the Lincoln Monument, Washington Monument, and the US Capitol Building (which has previously been attacked by a group of brain-dead morons) if they wanted to scale it up. Ryan O’D (Ryan O’D)

also-rans in your inbox It’s not a matter of whether FIFA 22 is a rip-off or not; it’s a question of how sleazy it would have to be for people to not purchase it. For that, I believe it would require a lot more than swindling a few more pounds for a next-gen update. Jackdaww

When it comes to games like Final Fantasy X-3, I’m always curious whether anybody really requests for them. Final Fantasy X isn’t particularly popular on its own, according to everyone I’ve ever spoken to, and the sequel is seen as a joke. So, who was rooting for a third? Dougie

The topic for this week’s Hot Topic is Reader Futterman proposed the topic for this weekend’s Inbox, asking, “What game are you most irritated that you don’t enjoy?”

Do you have any games or series that you’ve tried but couldn’t seem to get into? What was the problem, and did you try the game because it seemed like something you’d like, because it had a good review, or for some other reason?

How long did you spend playing the game and did you attempt to push yourself to like it? How frequently do your expectations for a new game get shattered, and do they typically end out better or worse than you anticipated?

Please send your feedback to [email protected].

The fine print Every weekday morning, new Inbox updates emerge, including weekend Hot Topic Inboxes. Letters from readers are utilized on a case-by-case basis and may be edited for length and substance.

You may also submit your own 500-600-word Reader’s Feature at any time, which will be featured in the next available weekend slot if it is used.

You can also share your thoughts in the comments section below, and remember to follow us on Twitter.

MORE: Games Inbox: A rip-off of FIFA 22, Warzone cross-play cheaters, and Persona 6 on PS5

MORE: Legend of the Switch Pro, Black Widow: The Video Game, and FIFA 22 Outrage

MORE: Game Inbox: PC vs. Console Gaming, Dead Space Reboot, and The Tomorrow War

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The Games Inbox is a new feature on the Nintendo Switch eShop. It provides reviews of games that are available for download on the system. One such review was of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Reference: zelda review.

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