Donald Trump plans one final trip to see the Mexico border wall

Donald Trump plans one final trip to see the Mexico border wall
Donald Trump plans one final trip to see the Mexico border wall

Donald Trump promised to build a border wall in Mexico to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country. It’s a campaign promise he made in 2016. His government imposed strict requirements to ensure the impregnability of the wall. Prototypes were made to select the most appropriate design. However, in November 2019, smugglers cut part of the border wall to continue their activities. Mr Trump also said Mexico would cover the cost of building the wall, but Mexico has not provided funding. It came from the taxpayers’ money. In January 2019, the Trump administration resorted to its longest shutdown to secure funding for a border wall.

Donald Trump is on the move after losing the 2020 election to Joe Biden. The outgoing president wants to go to the wall one last time. He’s planning a trip to the Alamo, Texas. The occasion is a celebration of the completion of 400 miles of the wall by his administration. Recently, his supporters stormed Capitol Hill to protest and disrupt Congress, confirming the election of Joe Biden the same day. Trump took responsibility for the unprecedented attack on Capitol Hill. Democrats and Republicans said his words sparked violence that left five people dead, including a female protester supporting Trump and another Capitol Police officer. World leaders have criticized the incident.

Trump had to build the border wall in Mexico

There is a border wall between the United States and Mexico. The Daily Mail UK claims that most of the wall was created where there were smaller barriers. The government has also invested millions to build long stretches of high fences in a short period of time. By the way: In view of the 2020 elections, there is an urgent need to build a wall.

Trump lost the election to Biden, and there is uncertainty about Wall’s fate. That will depend on the priorities of the Biden administration.

visit to the Trumpborder wall

After the violence unleashed by Trump’s supporters on Capitol Hill, many of the president’s closest allies have abandoned him. Some officials in the administration have resigned.

But Jason Miller, one of his campaign advisers, praised Donald Trump’s upcoming visit to the southern border wall. The Daily Mail UK quoted him on Twitter: Trump travels to the U.S.-Mexico border to praise the border wall as he heads to Texas, Democrats in the House of Representatives will be busy voting for impeachment. Social media platforms Twitter and Facebook have taken steps to block Trump.

Wildlife habitat to be flattened for construction of fence walls

As reported by the British Independent, workers blew up hills and leveled wildlife habitat to make way for the Mexican border wall. This has led to a disruption of the ecological balance.

There was even an encroachment on Indian land to build the wall. The Mexican border wall has destroyed the burial grounds and habitat of the native animals. Donald Trump plans to visit the city of Alamo, Texas. This visit was to mark the completion of 400 miles of the border wall.

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