Build your programming skills with these e-courses, from Python to SwiftUI

Build your programming skills with these e-courses, from Python to SwiftUI
Build your programming skills with these e-courses, from Python to SwiftUI

(CNN) –

If you’ve ever thought of programming as a skill beyond your reach, think again. Every software and web developer has started somewhere – and there are many ways to get started and develop your skills in the language of your choice.

In the CNN shop you will find a wide range of courses with such objectives. From Python to JavaScript to SwiftUI, you can learn how to program and develop applications, build websites and even refine your data analysis in your spare time. These courses are full of lessons, some of which focus on specific projects, while others teach the basics, but most of them are a combination of both approaches.

We have tried several courses ourselves and share our practical experience below.

We have researched a series of courses related to different programming languages and objectives. Some want to create software using languages such as C# or develop applications using SwiftUI. Others focus on web development using a combination of languages with HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Still others teach you the Python language for data analysis and visualization. There’s something for everyone.

Each course is filled with case studies that can be used in combination with the draft code. If the instructor adds lines of code, you can be sure he will show you what the extension really does. We found that the courses we chose also helped you to learn by doing; it’s more of an interactive experience than a lecture. When following the instructions, many course leaders have tasks that you can try out for yourself.

And once you’ve bought the course, yours is for life. You can take the online courses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere, from your computer, phone or tablet. You can view, skip and review the lessons as you wish.

Python is, to say the least, a universal language. Used in software development, data analysis, web development and more. Its simple structure makes it easy to learn and it can be used in combination with cool tools such as Django, a Python-based web framework to simplify website creation.

Python for everyone ($14.99; is a good start if you have little experience with this language. The course starts with the basics of Python, such as strings and variables, but also with some common mistakes you may encounter. Soon you will do basic projects, alternating with more advanced courses, and eventually integrate HTML and CSS for web development. We appreciated that the instructor often challenged us to make sure we knew what was going on.

Python is also very useful for the analysis of the data. Learning Python for data analysis and visualization ($12.99; is a course that helps you manipulate, analyze and graph data with Python. The instructor works pretty fast – so you may need a little more Python experience to get started – but he does a good job of both explaining the concepts and showing how each new addition to the code affects the project. You can even download all the code you work with from Github to test your work.

If you want to dive in specific Python projects, the Python mega course : Creating 10 real-world applications is a good guess. This $42 course includes more than 20 hours of project-based instructions, such as creating a desktop application and website – that is, after the instructor has reviewed the many basic Python features you will use later. And while the applications and websites you develop are simple, the instructor incorporates many essential elements into the lessons and often runs his scripts to show how new rules of code affect the project. It also introduces important tools for Python, such as. B. The integrated tkinter database for software interfaces or pandas, a software manipulation library developed for Python.

In discussions about creating software for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS and tvOS, we often hear Xcode and SwiftUI. These are not languages, but tools that can be used for intuitive software development in different languages, such as B. Snel, Apple’s programming language. Xcode is essentially an environment where you can create and test code, and SwiftUI is a set of tools to build your application’s user interface in Swift.

If you want to go deeper into application design, SwiftWye : The full developer course ($14.99; is a great tool. This course contains a large number of lessons with short conceptual explanations, ranging from the simplest to the most complex. And, thanks in part to the Xcode preview window, you can see in real time how the code affects the software. Of course, SwiftUI will be in the game later, when we’re ready to build our interface. There is much to learn from this instructor, e.g. B. Control gestures, graphics, and animations, and even activate iCloud for your applications.

Another exciting course is the SwiftUI Apps course for all Apple platforms. This course takes you on a similar path, starting with the basics of Swift coding and using the Xcode interface. But unlike the previous course, this course contains project and platform-specific modules such as Widgets, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac and Apple TV. This is an excellent course for those who want to develop on specific platforms, as each platform has its own unique peculiarities and characteristics. The lecturer will explain these differences (and similarities) excellently by guiding you through the projects and functions of the code.

JavaScript is a proven language that can be used for all kinds of projects; almost every website you have seen uses JavaScript, and you can also use it to develop applications and games.

And it’s not hard to learn, especially with courses like the JavaScript Beginner Bootcamp Course 2020 ($12.99; This course starts with JavaScript building blocks and explains concepts such as variables, strings and objects. Later you will apply these and other basic principles to create applications and games. The instructor will also cover the HTML and CSS needed to create and present websites, as well as JavaScript.

For $14.99 you can also choose the JavaScript Master Class course. The Masterclass integrates the Bootcamp lessons and adds much more advanced courses after the basics. In particular, you will develop a few low-cost, commercial web applications using Svelte, a tool designed to improve the performance of your web applications.

Websites come in different formats and a number of tools are needed to create the so-called front-end, or interactive and visual elements, in the right way. Therefore, you should be familiar with a number of languages, tools and libraries such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap. It may seem like a lot, but it’s all about integrating these tools to make your website visually attractive and user-friendly.

The full Upstream Web Development course ($14.99; is designed to combine and teach the same tools as above. You start with the basics of HTML, from building blocks to common goals such as image integration and input creation. Soon you will integrate CSS for visuals, JavaScript for advanced interaction and other sources like jQuery and Bootstrap. Like the instructors in the other courses we have reviewed, this course regularly provides explanations and concrete examples of what each part of the code actually does for our website.

If you have a good idea of the visual format you want for your website, you can consult the full web development course: Build 20 websites ($14.99;, which is a different approach. The instructor will still guide you through a lot of HTML and CSS, but you will develop your site in real time from the start instead of taking extra concept lessons. This style can be more effective for those who really want to make the big leap right away. You get a relatively simple but aesthetically pleasing website that presents everything from video backgrounds to brightly colored and stylish ads.

C++ and C# have long been praised for their complexity and programming power. They can be used to create web applications, desktop applications, games and much more. When dealing with complex code, they can also produce programs faster than programs created with other languages such as Python. And although they are both intended for similar purposes, these languages differ on a small and large scale, from the syntax they write to the way their codes are normally compiled.

Hacking C++ can be tricky, but there are courses that make it easier. C++ for beginners ($15; is the basic instrument. The instructor will assess concepts such as variables, operators and vectors. His slides cover both concepts and code, and when he learns the latter, it is always linked to a specific project or application. We especially appreciate the slideshows at the beginning of each new lesson that break down abstract concepts.

When it comes to C#, the full C# Masterclass course has everything you need, whether you’re a beginner or just a little rusty. The $12.99 course includes over 20 hours of instruction and numerous practical exercises. As in other comprehensive coding courses, the instructor introduces the basics and explains what they are used for. Finally, the instructor gradually moves on to more complex coding by developing a text-based game. You practice and test your work over and over again with your instructor while creating something interesting.

Programming is like art – there are so many media. And although many of these supports can be used to make similar products, each brings with it its own technique. Whatever your objectives, the courses we offer will help you hone your skills and master the form you prefer. Some courses focus on specific results, while others are generalized to provide a more holistic learning experience. And with 24/7 access for life, speed is at your fingertips. If you want to learn more than one language, the CNN store offers a Learn to Code package for $59.99.

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