Women, Myth & Power’ at Gardner Museum puts ‘Rape of Europa’ in new light

Women, Myth & Power’ at Gardner Museum puts ‘Rape of Europa’ in new light
Women, Myth & Power’ at Gardner Museum puts ‘Rape of Europa’ in new light

The Gardner Museum, one of the world’s most important collections of art and antiquities, is celebrating its 100th year of existence this year. The museum is the ultimate resource for art and antiquities lovers, and is home to over 7,000 works of art from around the world. The museum is also a hub for the study of ancient art, and this exhibition is a must-see for anyone interested in art and the cultures that created it.

Every once in a while, a new exhibit comes to a museum that changes the way people see the world. Such is the case with the exhibition, Women, Myth & Power: The Rape of Europa , which opened in February at the Gardner Museum in Boston. The exhibit takes a look at one of the most well-known artworks of all time – the painting The Rape of Europa by German artist Lucas Cranach the Elder – and reveals its true meaning to readers.

The real story behind the creation of the Gardner Museum’s world-famous ‘Rape of Europa’ is a compellingly different one from the one given in the popular story about the sculpture.


This is an example of a Pulitzer Prize-winning reviewer arriving late to a tale, as though too preoccupied to do so until now. The plot revolves on rape.

The New York Times art critic Holland Cotter compared Titian’s painting “Rape of Europa” in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston to a “small supernova” (you know, like an explosion of a star). The blast’s brightness apparently blurred his eyesight, leading him to remark that the artwork “raises serious concerns about how aesthetics and ethics may collide.”

sluggish learner

Holland, where have you been?

In her 2003 book “Where Ethics and Aesthetics Meet: Titian’s Rape of Europa,” art historian A. W. Eaton posed the same issue. It’s difficult to comprehend why, even if you hadn’t read it, you’re just now seeing that Europa is being raped. The artwork does not, however, represent the actual act. However, it depicts a terrified woman spread-eagled with her clothes disordered and her kidnapper, Zeus, lurking close in the shape of a leering bull. All of this should have forewarned you a long time ago.

Perhaps your omg response is due to the fact that there are six Titian paintings in one room. And, considering that each depicts a power struggle with a woman, the effect was felt strongly.

It’s not for nothing that the museum calls the show “Women, Myth & Power.”

Art coup

Your late discovery that Titian’s beautiful images are awful scenario, on the other hand, is a supernova in and of itself. I’m picturing you shouting that this exhibit “marks an art historical victory” for the institution. There is no coup here, Holland, no historical upheaval.

These images date back to the sixteenth century. You must have seen them previously in your years at the Times, which began in 1998.

The exhibit in Boston isn’t brand new; it’s already on display at the National Gallery in London and the Prado in Madrid. Nonetheless, you claim, as if making a discovery, that “Rape of Europa” should put us all on “red alarms today” because of the #Metoo movement and ongoing stories of sexually abused women. It should have notified us much sooner.

However, you are correct in wondering how such work from five centuries ago can be appreciated through the lens of today. I agree that “Rape of Europa” raises questions regarding “whether any work, no matter how magnificent, can be regarded immune from moral criticism.” Clearly, museums must do more than record the facts on artists’ tombstones.


“The picture is powerful,” you say in your inquiry. But is it lovely?” – a good point. Aesthetics are no longer enough to sustain art. The complexities of our time demand that we think about them. Power plays over women should be included in current cultural material in art museums that exhibit narrative images of power plays over women painted when that was a way of life.

Their display placards need to be redesigned.

With this show, the Gardner definitely succeeds. The museum commissioned two artists to create a video that gives Europa a voice in order to “liberate her from the subservience and mute role she had long been compelled to play in the old myth,” according to the institution’s website.

Perhaps viewing Titian through the eyes of a twenty-first-century observer was what enlightened you, Holland.


Europe’s earliest shipwrecks and buildings are dotted along Europe’s shores. One of the most stunning and stunning shipwreck discoveries in recent years was made at the Gardner Museum of Art. It’s the wreck of an incredible wooden ship that was constructed in the fourth century BC and was called ‘The Rape of Europa’ by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus.. Read more about female mythological creatures and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the strongest woman in mythology?

The strongest woman in mythology is Hera.

What is the most famous myth?

The most famous myth is the story of Icarus and his father Daedalus.

Who is the most powerful women in Greek mythology?

The most powerful women in Greek mythology are Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite.

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