White House lists ending Covid-19 pandemic as an accomplishment despite cases spiking to record levels

White House lists ending Covid-19 pandemic as an accomplishment despite cases spiking to record levels
White House lists ending Covid-19 pandemic as an accomplishment despite cases spiking to record levels

The White House Science and Technology Policy Newsletter announced the publication of a document describing the Board’s achievements in science and technology over the past four years.

Among the key issues are END PANDEMICAL COVID-19, press release sent to journalists, read Since the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic, the government has taken decisive steps to encourage scientists and health professionals in academia, industry and government to understand, treat and defeat the disease.

Following a request for comments on the fact that the end of the pandemic is considered to be one of the achievements of the administration during its first term, the Bureau spokesperson, Christine Baum, referred to the full report.

The excellent work that Trump’s administration has done to end the pandemic is a top priority and deserves attention, she said in an e-mail.

But on Wednesday, White House communications director Alice Farah said the publication was poorly worded.

Our goal was to say that our goal was to stop the virus. But I’ll say this: Because of the president’s leadership, we’re gonna end up with the virus, she added.

The news comes at a time when the country is reporting the highest number of daily cases ever. According to Johns Hopkins University, the average number of new cases occurring daily reached a record of 68,767 on Sunday. The previous record of 67,293 was broken on the 22nd. July.

This terrible week was marked by the two worst days with daily reports of new cases since the start of the pandemic. More than 83,000 new cases were reported on Friday and Saturday, and the seven-day average of new Covid-19 cases rose 23 percent last week, Johns Hopkins said Monday. The seven-day average value of the new tests, which have meanwhile been carried out according to the Covid tracking project, only increased by 2.87% last week.

The President repeatedly and wrongly accused the Commission of increasing the number of inspections by increasing the number of cases.

New cases are also observed in the administration itself. At least five assistant vice presidents, Mike Pence, including his bodyguard and chief of staff Mark Short, have tested positive for the coronavirus in recent days, according to CNN sources.

The internal report described in the press release does not mention that the Covida 19 pandemic is over. It merely referred to the various measures taken by the administration to combat this.

Since the start of the pandemic, the government has taken a number of steps to encourage scientists in academia, industry and government to understand and defeat the disease, according to the report.

It is later said that the government’s inoculation initiative, Operation Warp Speed, public-private partnerships and other key Trump government measures have provided American scientists, engineers and healthcare workers with the knowledge, tools and technologies needed to understand and defeat this invisible enemy.

Betsy Klein, Megan Vasquez, Holly Ian, Madeline Holcomb, Teresa Waldrop and Eric Levenson of CNN contributed to this report.

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