Walmart to Sell New Line of Gap-Branded Homegoods

Walmart to Sell New Line of Gap-Branded Homegoods
Walmart to Sell New Line of Gap-Branded Homegoods

If you haven’t heard already, Walmart is launching a line of luxury home goods, to be sold exclusively on The new line is called the Walmart Homegoods Collection and will consist of an array of items that can be found in upscale department stores. These include everything from furniture to bedding to linens, with prices ranging from $20 to $300.

In a huge boost to the fashion retailer, Gap Inc. is forging an alliance with Walmart Inc. to sell a line of home goods at the retailer’s stores in the U.S. and Canada. The partnership is the latest sign of the highly-anticipated clothing company’s re-emergence since it was bought by its former owner, American apparel retailer Gap Inc., for $2.8 billion in 2014.

As part of a partnership with Gap Inc, Walmart has announced it will start selling new homegoods made by Gap under the “Gap” brand in the US.. Read more about gap stores and let us know what you think.

Walmart Inc.

WMT -0.12


Gap Inc.

GPS 4.16%.

are planning to collaborate on a line of Gap housewares that will be sold at Walmart – a sign that each retailer is venturing into new territory to stay competitive.

Gap Home, which will include items such as bedding and pillows, launches on June 24. go on sale, the companies said. For now, the collection will be available online, but Walmart plans to introduce the most popular items in stores in the future, a spokeswoman said. This could happen later this year, according to a person familiar with the situation.

In recent years, Walmart has sought to expand its apparel and home goods offerings with higher-priced brands to attract a broader customer base and boost online sales. Earlier this year, the retailer appointed fashion designer Brandon Maxwell as creative director of Free Assembly and Scoop, household brands that Walmart says are premium fashion brands. This month, Walmart announced plans to acquire ZeekIt, a company that allows digital shoppers to see how clothes look on their bodies or on models with similar body types.

Gap Home items are only sold at Walmart.

Gap, which is in the process of reviving its brand name, does not currently sell housewares and has never sold its branded goods at Walmart.

Last year, Gap struck a deal with licensor IMG that will allow the company to expand into home furnishings, furniture, textiles and other categories. The agreement also covers Gap’s Banana Republic brand. Gap Home is being developed in partnership with IMG, the two companies announced Wednesday.

The Gap has experienced weak sales in recent years and struggled during the pandemic when spending on clothing fell. But under the new CEO, the company has made improvements.

Sonia Singal

and reported positive same-store sales in North America for the Gap brand in the fourth quarter. The company announced its quarterly results on Thursday.

In the past, Walmart struggled to build high-end clothing brands and now focuses on basic products like socks and hoodies. Walmart’s clothing stores follow a pyramid model, where the base of the pyramid, the majority of what they want to sell, is basic clothing. But as digital sales become increasingly important to retailers, executives are experimenting with new models, such as . B. sell the most expensive brands only online.

In the past, specialty retailers like Gap only sold their products in their own stores or on their own website. But with growing competition, many brands are expanding their distribution, sometimes even selling their products through competitors such as Inc.

Email Sarah Nassauer at [email protected] and Suzanne Kapner at [email protected].

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Appeared in the print edition of 27. May 2021 under the Walmart name will sell a new line of merchandise under the Gap brand.

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