Volcano erupts in Iceland near the capital Reykjavík

Volcano erupts in Iceland near the capital Reykjavík
Volcano erupts in Iceland near the capital Reykjavík

De vulkaan is uitgebarsten op het schiereiland Reykjanes in IJsland. It was located southwest of the capital Reykjavík, not far from Keflavik International Airport. It is the main airport of Iceland. The Icelandic Meteorological Office, IMO, reported a decrease in the intensity of volcanic activity in the region. IMO it describes a gorge about 500-700 meters long, and the lava has spread over an area of almost a square kilometer. But despite the reduced activity, lava flow remains a problem. This phenomenon falls under the category of natural disasters and can have serious consequences, especially in Iceland.

The heat from the volcano would indeed lead to a rapid melting of the ice sheets. Iceland has several attractive destinations.

According to CNN, IMO they are aware of the consequences and are monitoring gas emissions. Authorities have advised citizens to stay away from the main Reykjanesbroute road. It seems that the gas contamination is not unpleasant for the people, but they should avoid getting too close to the source of the eruption.

Volcanic eruption in Iceland

There are concerns about the impact of the volcano on the surrounding areas. The location of the volcano is close to the main airport of Iceland. Keflavik International Airport is about a half hour drive from the peninsula. Ashfall from the volcano could cause problems for air traffic, and the airport’s color code has been lowered from red to orange.

That’s because IMO minimal ashfall from this eruption is predicted. CNN adds that people have been advised to take the necessary precautions. This includes closing windows to prevent ash and gases from entering the building. You should try not to go out. This way they can avoid inhaling volcanic gases. Scientists lament the death of the Okjokull glacier in Iceland, a victim of climate change.

The breaking up of icebergs and glaciers can disturb the ecological balance.

Iceland earthquakes intensify prior to volcanic eruption

IMO confirms a volcanic eruption after increased seismic activity on the peninsula. They’ve already indicated something more serious at the time of departure. CNN adds there were nearly 400 earthquakes this morning.

The previous morning, however, the number of earthquakes had more than doubled. The agency warned that the volcanic gas contamination could spread to remote areas. The public was therefore requested to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves from the presence of gaseous substances in the air. This can lead to a health risk. The status and amount of SO2 emissions from the eruption are estimated. In April 2020, the media reported that there was volcanic activity in Iceland after centuries.

Volcanic eruption at Fagradalsfjalla, Iceland

According to The, Iceland has recorded thousands of earthquakes in the past three weeks. Eventually, a volcano erupted southwest of Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. It is located on the peninsula Fagradalsfianes Reykjanes. The last eruption took place almost 800 years ago.

In 2010, another volcano, Eyjafjallajokudla, erupted. This has had an impact on air traffic throughout Europe. The current one is unlikely to spew much ash. Therefore, there can be no interruption of air traffic. A Coast Guard helicopter monitored the area and sent images of molten lava flowing down the slope. A few hours earlier, there appeared to be a slight earthquake in the area. Earthquakes are not new to Iceland, as the country lies on two tectonic plates. They drift in opposite directions.

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