Top 5 and 10 Lines on Lockdown in English 2021/Few Best Lines

Looking for the top 5 and 10 blocking lines and some of the best lines for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and up to class 12?

Here are some of the best rules about blocking in English for everyone in the classroom.

These rules are very useful for writing an essay about blocking school exams.

5 upper lines on the latch

1. Containment is an emergency measure used during an epidemic or natural disaster.

2. It’s politics when you tell people to stay where they are.

3. Industries, organizations, shops, schools, public places, temples, gardens, etc. are closed.

4. Grain, vegetable and dairy stores and pharmacies were permitted during the lockdown. Emergency care also continued.

5. During a lockout, no one can do unnecessary work.

The first 10 lines of slot

1. Containment is an emergency measure used during an epidemic or natural disaster.

2. It’s politics when you tell people to stay where they are.

3. Industries, organizations, shops, schools, public places, temples, gardens, etc. are closed.

4. The blocking effect is very small. Because it is bad for the economy of a country.

5. In 2020, lockdown took place in most countries around the world to prevent the outbreak of an epidemic known as coronavirus.

6. Grain, vegetable and dairy stores and pharmacies were permitted during the lockdown. Emergency care also continued.

7. During a lockout, no one can do unnecessary work.

8. People have become aware of the importance of family.

9. During the lockdown, people were engaged in various activities in the house.

10. A vaccine had not yet been invented and the disease spread rapidly, leaving only constipation.

Several best lines

Containment is an emergency measure used during an epidemic or natural disaster.

It is used for public safety purposes.

It’s politics when you tell people to stay where they are.

During this period, people are not allowed to move from one place to another.

Industries, organizations, shops, schools, public places, temples, gardens, etc. are closed.

The blocking effect is very small.

Because it is bad for the economy of a country.

In 2020, lockdown took place in most countries around the world to prevent the outbreak of an epidemic known as coronavirus.

People were asked to stay where they were at the time of the lockdown.

This blocking is a compelling requirement of the government.

Grain, vegetable and dairy stores and pharmacies were permitted during the lockdown.

Emergency care also continued.

People had trouble eating during the lockdown.

During a lockout, no one can do unnecessary work.

During isolation, people spent a lot of time with their families.

People have become aware of the importance of family.

The children had the opportunity to spend time with their parents.

During the lockdown, people were engaged in various activities in the house.

The blockade reduced the spread of the coronavirus.

Read more –

Top 5 and 10 English promotion lines for all students

Coronavirus (COVID-19) trial in English for students

frequently asked questions

Q1 – In which year was the blockage caused by a coronavirus?

Q2 – Was blocking necessary during the coronavirus pandemic?

A – Yes, the blockade was most needed during the coronavirus pandemic, which spread rapidly.

Further spread must therefore be prevented.

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