The Podcast Hungry Travelers Need Right Now

The Podcast Hungry Travelers Need Right Now

Stepping outside of his usual role as a travel guru, Derek Sivers of CD Baby fame takes us through the basics of starting your own podcast. For the next hour or so, he guides us through the ins and outs of getting a show up and running. He also offers advice for making the most of your first episode, which may not be able to cover all the essential bases.

Background: “Hungry Travelers” is a travel podcast that I started in March 2012 and continue to produce. It’s a pretty simple concept: I take a product, service, or product-or-service-related topic and have a conversation about it with someone who has expertise in the area.

The summer heat has arrived and you know what that means, right? It’s time to hit the road and visit the US for a vacation! But, can you do it on the cheap? The answer is a definitive yes if you are prepared with a travel podcast. As a bonus, you could even do it in your pajamas!. Read more about where can americans travel and let us know what you think.The Podcast Hungry Travelers Need Right Now


Maud Chauvin

For American travelers obsessed with food, there’s probably no better quick fix than a trip to Montreal, a top gourmet destination that’s much quicker to reach than, say, Paris. The Canadian border remains closed for now, but once it opens, there will be a brewery and smoked meats.

Meanwhile, plan your trips to our northern neighbours with the Audible Field Guide to Eating in Canada podcast. Presenter Meredith Erickson, a culinary writer and veteran of Montreal’s vibrant culinary scene, begins in Montreal, then talks to pickers in the Gaspé, Aboriginal chefs in Alberta, dim sum masters in British Columbia, and many others over the next nine episodes. It’s hard to imagine a more inquisitive, sociable and knowledgeable tour guide and a more enjoyable virtual vacation.

At Olive + Gourmando in Montreal, featured in the first episode of The Practical Guide to Eating in Canada, these cakes are baked with espresso and then refrigerated overnight to get a caramel-like interior. If you want a classic brownie and crumb cake, skip this step, but don’t skip anything else.

Maud Chauvin


For the coffee ganache :

    • 2½ Tassen 70%ige dunkle Schokoladenscheiben, z. B. Valrhona brand
    • 1½ tablespoon grob gemahlener Espresso
    • ¾ cup whipped cream

For the cakes:

  • 1½ cups all-purpose flour
  • 1½ teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1½ cups plus 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, room temperature, plus to grease pan.
  • 1 Cup 70% Schokoladenscheiben
  • 1⅔ cup plus 2 tablespoons 54% dark chocolate, e.g. B. Callebaut
  • 6 6 egg temperature room temperature
  • 1¼ cup white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Prepare the ganache: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler.
  2. Meanwhile, put the espresso and cream in a small saucepan on low heat for 4 minutes. Strain the cream through a fine mesh sieve.
  3. Pour the warm cream over the melted chocolate and beat with a whisk. Quickly pour the ganache onto the prepared baking sheet and cover with another sheet of baking paper. Using your hands, spread the ganache evenly over the sheets and press it to a thickness of 1 inch. Place the plate in the refrigerator and let it cool overnight. The next day, cut the ganache into one-inch cubes and work quickly so it doesn’t melt. Put in the fridge.
  4. Get the cakes ready: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Butter a rectangular baking dish (8 x 12 inches) and line it with parchment paper. In a bowl, mix the flour and salt. Set it aside.
  5. Melt the butter and chocolate in a bain-marie, stirring frequently with a spatula. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
  6. Beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla in a mixer fitted with a stirrer or with a hand mixer on medium speed until the mixture is pale and fluffy and has increased in volume, about 5 minutes. Using a spatula, add a small amount of melted chocolate to the eggs to temper them. Add the rest of the chocolate and gently fold it into the egg mixture.
  7. Add the flour mixture in thirds and sift it over the chocolate mixture, mixing well between each addition. Add the ganache cubes. The dough should not be streaky, but it should not overflow either.
  8. Transfer the dough to the prepared baking sheet and gently tap the sheet to flatten the dough. Bake, flipping the pan halfway through, until the dough rocks evenly not only in the center but also when gently shaken, 18-20 minutes. Place the sheet on a cooling rack and refrigerate for 1 hour before cutting into squares.

-Taken from Oliva + Gourmandeau : Diane Solomon’s cookbook

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