The CIA has made UFO information compiled since the 1970s public

The CIA has made UFO information compiled since the 1970s public
The CIA has made UFO information compiled since the 1970s public

The world of UFOs is full of mysteries. Unidentified flying objects have been observed in various parts of the world. However, there is no evidence to support these claims. Most of them took place at night and came suddenly for a short time. It was mostly just a rumor. The CIA has hundreds of documents in its possession relating to these sightings and related research dating back to the 1970s. He declassifies this information, hoping it will help clear things up. He’s in the Dark Vault. This is a website created by John Greenwald, Jr.

He wanted the CIA to release the data. The CIA seems to have a lot of data on every incident of unidentified UAV airborne phenomena. This is the official term for UFOs. A determined person who has the patience to break down and analyze voluminous data may find useful information on the subject.

According to the Daily Mail UK, Donald Trump has ordered US intelligence agencies to report everything they know about UFOs to Congress within 180 days. It is included in the Coronavirus Victims Assistance Act. The president signed it in December.

UFOs are part of science fiction films

Humans have always been curious to know if there are other forms of life somewhere in the universe. Some authors have let their imagination run wild and created characters from another world.

They arrive in their flying vehicles, which are thought to look like saucers. These are flying saucers or, technically, unidentified UFO flying objects. It’s a subject the film industry loves, as films on this subject become box office hits. An example of this is the 1996 film Independence Day with Will Smith. The viewer remains glued to his seat to witness the action between humans and aliens.

Then there’s the X-Files TV series, which makes viewers believe that UFOs and aliens really exist. The Daily Mail UK adds that many files in The Black Vault’s database contain examples of UAP browsing. Greenwald appears to have used the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to gain access to the data. In December 2017, news spread that the mainstream media was finally reporting on the possible existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

The CIA has a lot of information about UFO.

The data collected by the CIA on UFO sightings contains some surprising examples. The Daily Mail UK cites several examples. Correspondence in September 1976 refers to a UFO sighting in Morocco. Two years later, in 1978, an AF base in Ohio was identified. Then there was another one in Russia in 1991. The mysterious explosion occurred in Sasovo, a town about 400 km from Moscow. The locals mentioned a fire ring coming from the sky. In addition, the shockwave destroyed an entire block. The investigation determined no cause and left open the possibility of a UFO. The concept of the blue book covers UFOs from 1947 to 1969. There appear to have been more than 12,600 such reports, and 701 were never identified. The question remains whether UFOs visit us from time to time.

UFOs give free rein to the imagination

According to Fox 8, the CIA has opened the Pandora’s box on UFOs. There are numerous documents that can contain information on this topic. They cover five decades of research, from the 1940s to the early 1990s. One of the 1996 reports is about what two Lithuanian police officers saw and heard. It was a mystery to the local scientists. Mars, by the way, is one of the planets where life forms may have evolved based on signals from the ground. NASA and other space agencies are trying to colonize the planet. The famous novel War of the Worlds tells the story of the arrival of Martians on Earth in their flying machines, which to Earthlings were UFOs.

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