Thank You, Bill Barr – WSJ

Thank You, Bill Barr – WSJ
Thank You, Bill Barr – WSJ

At the address

Editorial Board

Shut up.

Drafting Committee

14. December 2020 20:09 Eastern Time

Attorney General William Barr speaks October 15 in St. Louis.


Jeff Robertson/Presse Associée

William Barr

entered into force on Monday the 23rd. In December he returned as Attorney General, and he certainly earned the right to an early departure. He was the right man at the right time for this difficult task, with the principles and rigor needed to make difficult decisions, despite the bitterness of the Democrats in Congress and the stubbornness of the President.

Son of a bitch.

Mr. Barr has been a member of the GA before, so he didn’t need a title. He accepted a post in Washington that was characterized by an unlimited guerrilla connection, because he knew he would be criticized no matter what he did. But he wanted to clean up the Justice Department, which he knew was rightly run by the corrupt FBI…

James Komi

and the political representatives of both parties who had neither the courage nor the perseverance to take responsibility for strong convictions.

Among his achievements are navigation

Robert Mueller

and at the same time to protect the presidency from unconstitutional findings of obstruction of justice. The future presidents of both parties will thank him.

He was prepared to resist media and democratic restrictions by taking a fresh look at old investigations. This included hiring a U.S. Attorney…

John Durham

to study how the FBI might decide to investigate the Trump 2016 campaign as a Russian front. The release of these documents showed that the FBI investigation began with guerrilla intrigue and illegal activities, and Mr. Durham continues to work and may have other cases to report and denounce.

Mr. Barr also had the courage to ask for another U.S. Attorney,

Jeffrey Jensen,

…to reconsider Mr. Mueller’s accusation…

Michael Flynn.

This investigation revealed other wrongs and the decision to dismiss the charges, which should never have been brought. Mr Barr used the lessons learned from these misguided investigations to introduce new rules and restrictions on political investigations.

We disagree with Mr. Barr about the weakness of the antitrust proceedings against Google. But he was a defender of freedom of speech and freedom of religion when both were attacked by the progressives. His interventions on the Covida 19 restrictions on places of worship supported the successful prosecution in the Supreme Court and encouraged the governors to consider First Amendment restrictions.

Perhaps Mr Barr’s greatest contribution to this project was Mr Trump, who wanted his torturers to be brought to justice, whether the evidence was substantiated or not. Mr Trump resisted during his term of office, in particular when Mr Durham refused to lodge a complaint or provide evidence of the presidential elections. It was the right decision and it shows Mr. Barr’s commitment to principles.

Mr Barr had recently publicly stated that his investigators had not found enough evidence of electoral fraud to invalidate the presidential elections, which was true, but he had angered Mr Trump. These skirmishes influenced Mr. Barr’s decision to leave early. As is so often the case with the President-in-Office of the Council and his advisers, Mr Trump has never appreciated all that Mr Barr has done for his Presidency and for the country.

Main Street: In a speech at Notre Dame Law School on the 11th. In October 2019, Attorney General Bill Barr explained how lay people attack religious freedom in order to destroy traditional moral values and instead impose their own orthodoxy. A picture: Robert Franklin/Presse Associée

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It appeared in the printed edition on the 15th. December 2020.

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