Jordan ‘Jordy’ Fuchs: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Jordan ‘Jordy’ Fuchs: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Jordan ‘Jordy’ Fuchs: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


Jordanian fox

Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs of Georgia beat prominent lawyer L. Lyn Wood, who tweeted about her age and experience in promoting unsubstantiated claims of electoral fraud.

Small male egos will always have problems with female leadership. Just ask @LinWood’s former legal partner and ex-wife, who she tweeted on the 16th. December. In another tweet, she wrote: Have you ever met a man with a small male ego? How do you deal with Little Man Syndrome? Ask a friend.

Wood answered: By the way, Geordi, I don’t think your personal relationships with members of the opposite sex have anything to do with the Dominion’s voting machines. What about you? #FightBack Hard When Over The Target. # # Fuchs is also known as Jordy Fuchs.

Have you ever met a man with a small male ego? How do you deal with Little Man Syndrome? Ask a friend.

– Jordan M. Fuchs (@JordyFuchs) 17 December 2020

The tree in answer: A little male ego? Problems with female leadership? Former legal partners? Ex-wife. When I got older, I shrunk about two inches. Now 5’7. I agreed to pay a former partner $9 million in salary for 30 years because she did a good job on one of my cases.

I’ve heard that Brad @GaSecofState was so lighthearted in his work at the GA that he probably didn’t even read the Dominion Treaty. I wonder if he even read the 30/20 deal with the Democrats?

Brad delegated these menial tasks to Jordan Fuchs @ Jordy Fuchs. She ran the office.

GA is hot.

– Lyn Wood (@LinWood) 16 December 2020.

This tweet is a reaction to an earlier tweet by Wood, in which he wrote: Do you think @JordyFuchs should have made a deal with the Dominion at the age of 30 with one year of government experience and then essentially run the GA department of the State Department? She was previously a political advisor and was appointed Assistant @GaSecofState. There’s something wrong with GA. Hout even said on Twitter that Jordan Fuchs @JordyFuchs publicly admitted on Facebook that she was once a practicing witch. Yes, Viken. I have no respect for that faith.

M. Wood is a former lawyer for Richard Jewell, who has raised unconfirmed allegations of election fraud in a run-off election that could determine U.S. Senate control; some conservative websites have pointed to his heavy Democratic spending record and raised questions about his motives. The exchange comes as tensions in Georgia continue to escalate between Republican leader Fuchs and two Republicans trying to win a run-off election. Although I told the Republican Party to stop focusing on me and instead focus its energy on winning the Senate runoff, they clearly did not listen, said Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in a press release.

Just as embarrassing as Sens. Perdue & Loeffler do not know that the data they want is already publicly available at the Secretary of State, worse, they do not know that their own campaigns have all the data they are looking for at

– GA State Secretary Brad Raffensperger (@GaSecofState), 15 December 2020.

Fuchs also criticized President Donald Trump’s accusations of electoral fraud because Georgia ran against Joe Biden in the presidential election. Republicans have fallen into the trap of expecting Brad Raffensperger and Brian Kemp to cheat them, she told The Washington Post.

Georgia’s Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs at the trial in Texas: The accusations in the complaint are false and irresponsible…. They don’t name any person where this happened. Because it didn’t happen.

– Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) 8 December 2020

Fuchs called Trump after campaign officials on both sides received death threats, Fuchs told Reuters: Trump and the U.S. senators have refused to condemn the death threats, she told Reuters. In fact, it continues to support those who actively call for the execution of election workers.

For their part, Fox supporters on Twitter are enthusiastic about Trump and ask questions about the election results in Georgia.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. The Secretary of State says that he and his wife worked with Jordan for almost a few years because of thecampaigns. 'Jordy'-Fox-5-Fast-Facts-You-Need-to-Know.jpg

Facebook Jordan Fox

A press release announcing that the elected Secretary of State of Georgia, Brad Raffensperger, will appoint Jordan Fuchs as Assistant Secretary of State, described the position as one of the most important non-elected positions in Georgia, as the Minister’s duties include the holding of elections, business registration, business and professional permits and securities.

Tricia and I have worked closely with Jordan for many years, according to Raffensperger, a Republican. She is fully committed to the campaign goals and given the challenges we face, I would have preferred her to run our office.

The memo states that Fuchs managed Raffensperger’s campaigns for both the state legislator and the state secretary.

2. Fuchs was formerly vice president of a political consulting firm and worked for a Republican on Capitol. 'Jordy'-Fox-5-Fast-Facts-You-Need-to-Know.jpg

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According to the release, before joining Raffensperger, Jordan Fuchs was vice president of Landmark Communications, a leading political advisory and PR agency based in Alpharetta. On Twitter, where she posted numerous messages disproving the accusations of electoral fraud, she called it a Republican Cabinet.

It’s no big secret that we’re all from the Republican political consulting firm Landmark Communications. It’s literally all over our LinkedIn @GabrielSterling pages

– Jordan M. Fuchs (@JordyFuchs) 9 December 2020

Fuchs in Washington, D.C., for the U.S. Congress and foreign policy program at the Council on External Relations and on Capitol Hill in U.S. representative Rob Woodall’s office, said the press release.

I’ve seen Jordan thrive in a high-pressure environment and a very visible role as the leader of a large organization, said Raffensperger. I am confident that she will be able to lead this agency’s efforts successfully and achieve the goals I have advocated. I am sure she will work diligently in the interest of the Georgian people.

Their LinkedIn page explains the Landmark experience: Jordan Fuchs is a former vice president and political advisor for Landmark Communications, Inc. With a focus on the competitive primary and general elections in Georgia, Jordan led the modernisation of Landmark Communications’ local campaign tactics in the fields of advertising, PR research, IVR and digital elections, digital media, campaign management and public relations. She has served as senior policy advisor for candidates at federal, state, local and judicial levels.

On Facebook she posted information about the election. Some recent comments:

Nice fact: The early vote is a postal vote.

No State of the Union has certified their election. It’s easy to name something when you win big. Too close to call.
(November 7th)

Only a few old messages are still visible. In 2012 she wrote: How can I sleep with the threat of a nuclear Iran in the background and a takeover of the German economy in the EU? Well, I’m going to bed.

3. Fuchs holds a degree in public relations and political science 'Jordy'-Fox-5-Fast-Facts-You-Need-to-Know.jpg

Facebook Jordan Fox

According to the statement, Fuchs holds a bachelor’s degree in public relations from the Henry Grady School of Journalism and a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Georgia.

I am grateful and excited to serve the people of Georgia, said Fuchs in a press release announcing his appointment. We have many challenges and we are building a team that can meet these challenges. I think all Georgians will be proud of the team that will help us remain the best state in the country for doing business, raising families and building communities that we can all be proud of.

In January 2019 she became Assistant Secretary of State. Her LinkedIn page indicates that she has been a member of College Republicans and Open Hand in College.

4. Fox defended election security in Georgia and criticised the Tea Party group for causing unrest in 2019

The Jordanian Fouks

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Fuchs was quoted in a 2019 political article reporting that several groups were concerned that Raffensperger and his associates put forward a $150 million plan to move the state to new voting machines (Dominion Voting Systems) which many experts say are vulnerable to hackers. This story tells that Fox FreedomWorks, a group that is also against machines, told them, among other things, that they do not fully understand the climate in our state, the needs of our communities or the goals of this office.

In another press release it was reported that Raffensperger has appointed Fuchs to the board of directors of the Electronic Registration Information Centre (ERIC). According to the statement, Mr Fuchs will be the national representative of Georgia on the governing body of the organisation.

Our office has shown the way in electoral reform in Georgia with common-sense solutions that emphasize efficiency and integrity – and our immediate action to join ERIC was a great victory for all Georgian voters, Fuchs said. I have the honour to represent our state at the national level, as we continue to actively seek solutions that give our voters and election officials a better election experience.

What’s ERIC? ERIC is a multi-state partnership that uses an advanced and secure data-matching tool to improve the accuracy and efficiency of state voter registration systems. Through ERIC, states share voter registration information to improve the integrity of voter lists, the statement said. The National Non-Profit Association uses interstate data to adjust marked voters who have registered in several states, moved out of the state or died, and warns the electoral authorities to update voter lists accordingly, in accordance with federal and state laws.

An article in the 2019 Atlanta Journal noted that the office of the Secretary of State of Georgia admitted … that the seller had falsely drawn up a purchase document containing the security features of the new state voting system worth $107 million. Fuchs quotes in this article: Our new voting system, including the new polling stations, is the safest yet. The article notes that the iPad is supplied by KnowInk, which together with Dominion Voting Systems is installing the new statewide voting technology.

Some Republicans, including President Donald Trump, have made unsubstantiated statements about the Dominion that society vehemently denies.

5. A petition for 2019 raised concerns about the Dominion, but Mr. Fuchs told the media that a new inspection would be a waste of everyone’s time

The Jordanian Fouks

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In 2019, reported that Raffensperger announced that the state plans to purchase a $106 million voting system from Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems. He introduced the new system on the 9th. August 2019 Certified. The article states that a petition with more than 1400 signatures has been submitted, which raises questions about Dominion cars.

Voters have the right to ask the Secretary of State to reconsider such an arrangement, previously reviewed and approved by him, if they receive a sufficient number of signatures after the police station has come forward. The Associated Press reported that the office is planning to re-examine the aircraft.

Asking for a revision of the new voting system, almost immediately after it has been thoroughly tested and validated by an independent test laboratory, is a waste of everyone’s time and resources, Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs told the television station.

We will respect the law on polls, but activists who ask for a poll will have to pay for it, Fuchs said.

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