Cunningham Issues Statement on Biden Administration’s Offshore Wind Announcement •

Cunningham Issues Statement on Biden Administration’s Offshore Wind Announcement •
Cunningham Issues Statement on Biden Administration’s Offshore Wind Announcement •

The Obama administration announced on Monday that it plans to invest $4.8 billion over the next decade to develop at least five wind farms in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of New England. The wind farms — which are considered to be among the first of their kind — could potentially produce enough energy to power nearly three million homes. If successful, the projects would cement U.S. development of offshore wind energy as a major force in the global energy market.

The U.S. Department of the Interior announced yesterday that it will allow wind projects off the coasts of 12 U.S. states. This is a big deal for the wind industry, and for the United States as a whole. It is the first time the federal government has opened up these waters for wind-turbine construction, and the decision is a blow to the nation’s 30-year-old offshore wind trend  — which was previously decimated by the Obama administration.

“We have a saying here,” says a U.S. official, “that when a president is in Washington, … ‘it doesn’t matter if you’re in the Oval Office or in the Senate, everyone is a member of the same club.’” Now, the notion of a global POTUS is hard to imagine. But that’s exactly what our current president, Barack Obama, is in the early hours of a new day in his hometown of Chicago.. Read more about windmill power and let us know what you think.

The bill passed the House on April 21. its first committee and would have made California

SACRAMENTO – Rep. Jordan Cunningham (R-San Luis Obispo) issued the following statement regarding the Biden administration’s announcement on Congressional Day 25. May the area off the coast of Morro Bay be opened up for offshore wind development:

Today’s announcement is nothing short of a historic victory for California and reinforces the Central Coast’s position as America’s clean energy capital.

For several years, we have worked diligently with federal, state and local partners to position the Central Coast as the future center of the Pacific Coast wind industry. With today’s announcement, our region has paved the way for the key benefits of offshore wind: good-paying jobs for local residents, millions of dollars in additional tax revenue for local cities and counties, and more clean energy produced locally.

I appreciate all the hard work our partners have put in to get us to where we are today, and I can’t wait for construction to begin. Let’s build!

Cunningham represents the Central Coast in the California State Assembly. The Central Coast offers two potential sites for connecting offshore power to the grid: one at the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant and the other at the Morro Bay plant. Diablo Canyon, which produces nearly 10% of the state’s energy, is scheduled to close in 2025.

Cunningham is also a sponsor of AB 525, a bill that would require the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Energy Commission and the California Independent System Operator to develop offshore wind acquisition plans.

On the 21st. In April, the offshore wind bill passed through the first committee. AB 525, which would formalize the state’s commitment to develop offshore wind projects in California, passed the Assembly Public Utilities and Energy Committee without a vote.

In April, Cunningham issued the following statement: California must develop offshore wind projects if it is to meet its ambitious climate goals – and the Central Coast will benefit most if we can formalize the state’s commitment to this emerging technology. With the closure of Diablo Canyon looming, our region needs to find ways to stimulate the local economy, create more good-paying jobs and broaden the local tax base. Offshore wind energy will not only consolidate the Central Coast’s status as a net exporter of energy, but also create thousands of local jobs and provide tax revenue to local governments to fund essential public services.

Under current law, the state must obtain 60 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2030, with a goal of 100 percent renewable energy by 2045. The state currently gets 55% of its energy from sources that do not emit carbon. But the state has no viable plan to achieve a 60% mandate after the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant closes in 2025. Offshore wind development will help the state meet its renewable energy goals and create thousands of good-paying jobs across the state.


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