Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Example

Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Example

The American population has been made to believe that obesity is a disease that can be cured, but a study by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) has not only found that the incidence of obesity among the world’s poor is rising, but that the rate of increase is higher among the world’s poor than it is among the world’s rich.

This is the outline for my first compare and contrast essay I have to write for my English class. You can also check it out here:

The main purpose of this post is to help you create an essay outline. I will do my best to provide examples for each topic as it is important to understand the mechanics of the essay and how to properly structure your essay. No matter what type of essay you are writing, you should know what you are writing about, your purpose and the audience that you are writing for. Not every essay is a persuasive essay, so it is important that you also consider how you can make your essay persuasive.


Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Example

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A comparative essay can compare and contrast two characters in different novels by the same author, or compare and contrast the differences and similarities between buying the same product, e.g. a computer, in different stores.

Good writing skills and the ability to compare correctly are essential, and not just in college. In the future, this skill could become a competitive advantage in the workplace, or even a major source of income (journalism, writing, blogs). In this article, you will find step-by-step instructions for writing comparative and contrastive essays, as well as universal techniques and tips to help you or your child write concise and engaging essays.

What is the design of a comparative/contrast test?

An essay is an exploration of a particular topic, the expression of your feelings and thoughts in a text. At school, essays have been written since primary school. On the one hand, there are descriptions of tables or window views. In high school, teens are encouraged to analyze literary works and discuss timeless themes: Friendship and love, life and death, choosing a profession. Students write essays not only on literature, but also on history, social studies, and foreign languages.

What is the difference between equations and contrasts and other types of tests?

Comparative writing consists of presenting and arguing about two random phenomena and their characteristics. The subject of the description may include indoor and outdoor portraits of people, paintings, nature, etc.

The description of the trial is best structured using the following model. Presentation of two compositions. If the essay is about real people, the student should write about who these people are, when they lived, and how they became famous. If they are characters, their role in the story should be described.

Diagram of a comparative trial by pro and con

Writing a compare and contrast essay is a responsible and rather difficult part of writing an essay. Following the steps below will make it easier for you or your child.

Consider this. First you need to understand what the text should be about. Then ask your child to think orally about the assigned topic of the compare and contrast essay. If the wording is too vague, help it develop into ideas relevant to the topic.

Look at the context. Writing a compare and contrast essay often requires additional information. For example, if an essay on comparison and contrast is based on several literary works, make sure that the child not only reads them, but also imagines the personality of the author and the period in which he worked. This information provides an opportunity for reflection, which may result in an attempt at comparison and contrast.

So the basic ideas are outlined. The material has been collected. Can I start writing? Take your time. It’s a good idea to work on the detailed structure of your text first. A compare and contrast essay always consists of three parts. Presentations, discussions and conclusions. In the introduction, you describe the question and context, and briefly state your thoughts on the equation.

The discussion should be logical and coherent. For example, in an essay on comparing and contrasting experiments, you could describe the research in question and elaborate on the points that interest you, whether it is the history of the experiment or the result, the technique or methodology used, the influence on the further development of the research field, etc. Avoid confusion and inconsistencies.

The compare and contrast essay ends with a summary of the discussion and evidence that you have answered the question.

Note that an essay is a written work that involves a methodical analysis and evaluation of a particular topic or problem. You will be asked to demonstrate and prove an interesting comparison of an experiment.

An essay is a piece of work that represents the author’s subjective viewpoint on an event, problem, or phenomenon. The structure may be arbitrary, the author’s opinion need not be supported by arguments, all artistic means of expression may be used in the text, including rhetorical questions and phraseological units. Similarly, the essay need not end with a conclusion.

Sample sketch

The plan includes the following elements:

  • Subject;
  • Essay;
  • Centerpiece and comparison;
  • Similarities;
  • Excellent features;

You will also need :

Choose a comparative subject. Well known examples are air travel, car travel and comparisons between Mac and PC users. In a comparative essay, differences do not necessarily have to be the focus, but similarities can be emphasized.

Make a comparative list of differences or similarities on this topic. Next, determine the similarities and differences you want to explore in your compare and contrast essay.

Pick a statement. Make a statement about the differences and similarities of the topic. Discuss why readers should pass on these comparisons, e. B. Why and how buying a used car is better than buying a new car.

Write only what is relevant to the thesis statement. There may be many similarities and differences, but only mention those that strengthen the argument of the comparative essay. If there are similarities and differences that serve as counterarguments to the thesis statement, note them – and then discuss why the thesis statement is still relevant.

After making the outline for the compare and contrast essay, according to this framework, you can start writing. You can write on both sides. Some people prefer to have a written discussion first and then formalize it with an introduction and a conclusion. Some people write all the parts in order. The key is to try to write briefly and devote each paragraph to one thought.

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The ability to analyse, provide evidence and express your ideas in writing is at the heart of all academic writing, whether essays, papers, exams, theses or dissertations.

In general, a good comparative and contrasting essay describes and discusses different viewpoints or positions. A conclusion is then drawn which reflects the informed opinion of the author.

Therefore, before you write a compare and contrast essay, you should always formulate what you think about what you are writing, what your point of view is, what idea you are going to defend.

You should start working on an essay by reading the title or assignment carefully. What are you being asked to do? Describe, compare, discuss? What is the question being asked? Do you understand all the terms now? Based on this information, you can start thinking about a text outline.

When writing an essay, it is easy to fall into one of two extremes: describe facts and avoid interpretation (for fear of their subjectivity) or, conversely, describe a personal opinion without backing it up with facts. The art of writing an essay is finding that balance, articulating your point of view, summarizing it logically, and supporting it with rational, factual arguments.

The essay teaches you to think. To write a text you have to do a lot of analysis, search for information in books and on the internet, summarize your own life experiences or those of others.

Essays teach you how to find, verify and compose the right facts.

The essays develop logical thinking. Texts have a structure in which all parts must be connected by a main idea. Following narrative logic is an important skill that will serve you well later, both in college and at work.

Writing sparks creativity. Writing stencils is boring and unhealthy. It takes imagination to write something really interesting. Essay lovers in school often become writers later in life.


Then it’s up to you to make a plan and choose the materials. Again, the literature should be consulted. Try to have a rough idea of what you are going to write about. You should create a plan that includes the most important topics you want to cover at this time.

It is possible that this plan may be amended in the future. However, assume that after creating this first draft, you will have to analyze quite a few sources in your essay (which is optional in our contest). In this case, it’s worth starting to collect and organize links – depending on what you’ll be linking to.

So before you start, you need to decide what type of APA or MLA formatting you need. You can ask your teacher for this information or use the APA or MLA reference system yourself.


The already written text still needs to be checked and edited. Did you answer the question asked? Shouldn’t some fragments be swapped out to make the evidence more consistent? Do you have to shorten the text to meet the limit? Is the text correct, are there typos? Then, after some introspection, a text with the same questions can be submitted to caring friends – at this stage, a fresh pair of eyes never hurts.

To save yourself the trouble, you can turn to, whose experts will help you write your compare and contrast essay correctly and quickly. We can also provide you with full comparison and contrast tests or download samples.

Share this story:Writing a compare and contrast essay involves listing and describing similarities and differences between two subjects. It’s a common assignment for students, particularly those interested in the humanities and the social sciences, and it can be a challenging one. The traditional compare and contrast essay requires a paper that raises a large number of issues, addresses a wide range of topics, and identifies a clear thesis that unifies the discussion. The best way to do this is with a outline.. Read more about compare and contrast essay structure and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a compare and contrast essay outline?

The compare and contrast essay is a type of academic writing that compares two or more subjects. The outline for this type of essay will include the following: Introduction: This section will introduce the topic and provide an overview of what the reader should expect to learn about in the paper. It may also include a brief summary of what has been learned so far in order to provide context for the rest of the paper. Body Paragraphs: These paragraphs will discuss each subject individually, providing a detailed description of the subject and how it is different from the other. Conclusion: This section will summarize what has been learned in the paper, providing a final thought on each subject.

What is a compare and contrast essay examples?

A compare and contrast essay is a type of academic writing that compares two or more things. It can be used to analyze the similarities and differences between two subjects, or it can be used to analyze one subject in relation to another.

What are three topics for a compare and contrast essay?

-The life of a soldier in the Vietnam War -The life of a farmer in the 1800s -The life of an American immigrant in the 1800s

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