China Three-Child Policy Aims to Rejuvenate Aging Population

China Three-Child Policy Aims to Rejuvenate Aging Population

China’s population has been aging for decades, but the government has expressed concerns that the country’s aging population will pose a major problem in the future. With this in mind, Chinese authorities have come up with a new plan, known as the “one-child policy”, which aims to rejuvenate the aging population. The policy requires couples to have at least two children, which would bring down the ratio of elderly to working population from 15 to 1 to about 4 to 1.

China’s population, which is aging at a rapid rate, has escaped the worst of its problems. But as the country’s ever-expanding top-heavy population places an increasing burden on the economy, the government has turned its attention to the rapidly growing senior population.

Singapore – China declared Monday that it will allow all married couples to have up to three children and provide government support for the upbringing and education of children. This is a measure Beijing has taken to try to reverse a worsening demographic situation that is causing a number of social and economic problems. The announcement was made after Monday’s meeting of the Politburo, the highest governing body of the Chinese Communist Party, which is chaired by the party chief. Xi Jinping -signals of concern about the demographic situation at the highest levels of the country. According to the state news agency Xinhua, these changes will improve the country’s demographic structure, actively implement the national strategy to tackle the aging population and maintain the country’s demographic advantage. Traditionally, these decisions are taken at the larger political conferences of the Communist Party. Some demographers expected a relaxation, or even a reversal, of the birther policy by the end of the year at the annual meeting of several hundred senior party officials. This is unprecedented, said And Fuxian, American researcher and longtime critic of China’s population policy. This shows how concerned Xi Jinping is. Sir, I want to thank you for your support. Mr. Yee said this measure alone would not change the general trend. But Monday’s announcement not only raises the maximum number of children families can have, it also paves the way for a series of potentially sweeping changes to health care, pensions, retirement and social security. China Three-Child Policy Aims to Rejuvenate Aging Population

About half of Chinese couples want two children, according to a 2017 survey; children rehearse for a performance at Children’s Day in Wuhan, China, on Monday.

Photo: Getty Images/Getty Images Under the new policy, the government said it will provide more equitable education resources and reduce education costs for families, a policy aimed at removing the barriers that experts say discourage couples from having children. The question now is whether the Chinese government’s relaxation of reproductive restrictions will lead to couples in the country having more children. In 2013, the government allowed couples to have two children if one of the parents was an only child, and in 2015 Beijing said all couples could have a maximum of two children. About half of Chinese couples are willing to have two children, according to a 2017 survey by the state-backed All-China Women’s Federation. The decennial census showed that 12 million children were born in China last year, the fourth consecutive year in which the birth rate fell despite the easing of restrictions. In 2016, there were 17.86 million births. The census also found that the proportion of Chinese aged 60 and over will increase sharply, reaching 18.7% of the population by the end of 2020, up from 13.3% in 2010. The proportion of Chinese citizens in the 15-59 age group, which represents the country’s labor force, will be 63.35% in 2020, up from 70.1% in 2010. Data from other countries show that when fertility shows a downward trend, it is difficult to reverse, he said. Zhang Zhiwei, Chief Economist at Pinpoint Asset Management. In Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and Japan, years of government attempts to reverse the decline in fertility have largely failed. But the scale of China’s challenge is of a different order. For more than three decades, China has relied on a young workforce to fuel its economic growth and build the world’s second-largest economy. The consequences of the one-child policy, introduced in Beijing in 1980, which effectively prevented the birth of millions of workers and women of childbearing age, while increasing the number of elderly people, are now becoming apparent. word-image-18774

China also said it would cut education spending for families.

Photo: Sheldon Cooper/Zuma Press In China, as in many other countries, it is a challenge to motivate parents like Xing Zhiwei, a 38-year-old father of two in Beijing, to have another child. The policy has changed, but that doesn’t mean we can afford another child, says Sin, who says the cost of raising two children is already holding him and his wife back. Caring for a child takes a lot of money and energy, says Mr Sin, who recently bought a small two-bedroom apartment near one of the capital’s best schools. Mr Xin is anything but an exceptional case, especially for Chinese living in big cities, the European Commissioner for the Environment and Sustainable Development said. Mu Guangzong, Professor at the Institute of Population Studies, Peking University, Beijing. Highly educated women in particular are putting off having a child while pursuing their careers, according to Mu. Although Mr Moo praised the government for recognising the problems, including the cost of education, he said the financial commitments made on Monday remained uncertain. The government approaches this issue with caution and care. But the birth rate is too low now and should be abandoned altogether, Moo said. The government also needs to spend real money to meet the rising cost of educating children. As in urban areas, the new policy is likely to have little impact in rural areas. Many families already have two or more children because China has a less strict fertility regime in rural areas, said Wang Han, a 25-year-old woman from a rural district in the central province of Henan. My preference to have two children is based on an assessment of my economic situation and capabilities, Wang said. However, she finds it positive that the government is now allowing three children. If there was a third child, I wouldn’t have to worry about it. China’s Family Planning Commission has always had wide latitude in managing people’s private lives, including the power to punish couples who violate the one-child policy and sometimes to force women to have abortions. With the lifting of restrictions on births, the Politburo also said Monday that the country would gradually raise the retirement age and invest more in the elderly, without giving details. Demographers have long argued for looser birth control, but this will do little to relieve short-term pressure on the domestic labor force, which is expected to shrink rapidly over the next two decades. Therefore, Zhang, an economist, said, we expect the government to launch a policy of deferred retirement to solve the problem. Officials said in March that they would delay the official retirement age for the next five years, demonstrating their determination to push through the controversial and unpopular policy that many economists say is necessary. China currently has one of the lowest retirement ages in the world – 60 for most men and 50 for women – and needs to ease the increasing pressure on its pension and health care systems. For several years, senior officials have been discussing how to make China’s pension system more sustainable. Xu Jun, a former head of China’s central bank, said in an article published in February that reform of the country’s underfunded pension system had reached a turning point.

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Information notes

Today’s headlines, news in context and good reads you may have missed with Tyler Blint-Welch. Any measure to raise the retirement age may also discourage childbearing, since many of the future parents are themselves only children and will have to rely on their retired parents for the care of their grandchildren. It’s hard to imagine what awaits us if we have more children and our parents can’t help us postpone our retirement, said Wang Shuo, a 31-year-old lawyer from Shenzhen who married last year but has no children. About China Twitter -Weibo platform, the new fertility policy has been received with derision everywhere. I won’t buy three Rolls-Royces, not because there are limitations, but because they are expensive, reads a widely circulated message comparing children to the British luxury car brand. If two only children marry, they must take care of four parents and three children and retire at 65, according to another widely read post. Donkeys have a better life than that. -Sha Hua, Grace Zhu and Liyan Qi contributed to this article. Email Keith Zhai at [email protected]. Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if someone has triplets in China?

The Chinese government has launched a new policy with the aim of rejuvenating aging Chinese populations. (China, in fact, has one of the fastest aging populations in the world.) The new law, which was passed by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on March 15, states that both men and women are allowed to have a second child, and that couples who want a third child will be granted subsidies for raising it. (If their first two children are girls, they can have a third boy.) When the policy was passed in 1980, China had a population of over 1 billion, and this is by far the world’s most populous nation. However, the country’s population is now 1.4 billion, In the past, it was not uncommon for couples in China to have a second child when the first was born. But with the Three-Child Policy, many couples are having a third child or even a fourth one. This is to help boost China’s aging population. The policy doesn’t allow even for one single birth; it is just a way to encourage couples to have more offspring. If a woman is married in China, she is not allowed to get pregnant until the birth of her first child, hence the three-child policy.

How did the one child policy affect China’s population?

China’s population is aging and it’s a problem that cannot be ignored. With the aging population comes an increase in healthcare needs that will require an upsurge in the country’s health care workers. A new study from the World Bank shows that China’s population is slowing, with a baby boom that occurred during the one-child policy era lasting from the late 1970s to the early 2000s. The study predicts that China’s population is likely to peak between 2030 and 2035 with 1.43 billion people. China’s one-child policy has been in place since 1979. According to the original rules, couples were allowed to have two children as long as one was a girl. In addition the one-child policy also prohibited couples from having a third child. However, in recent years China has seen a significant increase in the number of families having a third child.

Which is the purpose of China’s population control policy?

China’s one-child policy has brought it a great deal of international criticism, but has also brought its population problem to light. The country’s population is estimated to hit 1.44 billion by 2050, but it is already the worlds largest country and it has a rapidly aging population. As the authorities seek to rejuvenate the population, some are asking if the policy is having any success. China’s population is growing rapidly, and as a result, the country’s elderly population is on track to double in size within the next 13 years. With the official retirement age at 67, a huge percentage of the population is struggling to survive on government pensions, and many are forced to work into their 60s.

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