Chaos Reached shooting through walls; Bungie and Riot Games sue cheat maker

Chaos Reached shooting through walls; Bungie and Riot Games sue cheat maker
Chaos Reached shooting through walls; Bungie and Riot Games sue cheat maker

The Stormcaller’s super Chaos Reach delivers a punch, allowing the Sentinel to unleash a powerful beam of concentrated arc energy. It seems that this Warlock ability will not work as expected in Destiny 2, as players have discovered something unpleasant about it.

Twitch streamer and YouTuber Luckyy 10P recently downloaded a small clip from OP and became a super wizard. In the video, he showed that the Super can actually go through walls and eliminate whoever is behind them. However, he noted that it only works for thin walls like his miniature clip.

According to him, he started noticing how many players in Destiny 2 use Chaos Sorcerer at the same time.

It got a quick response when it became the host for the aforementioned glitch. Lucky said some players think the ability is polite, but it’s not really polite. At the time of writing, Bungie has not commented on this new song in the game.

Titans have their own fault, as does the player named Rev22. Cheese Forever posted a video about it, mentioning that it looks a bit like the old wizard seed. As for the glitch, it allows Destiny 2 players to freeze small enemies for as long as they want.

To reproduce it, you need to put your stasis super on the Titan and take out your Sparrow (may work for other vehicles in D2). Get out of there, do your Super, and jump back on your Sparrow.

The goal is to cancel the super animation while activating its freeze effect. YouTuber said that this trick comes in handy as players complete multiple bonuses, European challenges, triumphant quests and even the raid on the deep stone crypt.

Meanwhile, developer Bungie recently teamed up with another developer, Riot Games, to sue the rogue software maker after it was revealed that he was producing hacks for Destiny 2 and Valorant. According to Polygon, the two promoters filed a lawsuit in Central California District Court on Friday against Cameron Santos of GatorCheats for allegedly swapping a portfolio of scams and malicious hacking.

The site also noted that Santos and his associates sold their scam through their website and other channels such as Discord, Telegram, and even email.

It was also mentioned that this cheating software can be used by players without fear of being caught by Bungie and Riot.

Access to cheaters is not cheap, although it ranges from $90 to $500 per month. Still, it is believed that GatorCheats may have already made tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. According to Bungie and Riot, the damage could amount to millions as they now try to prevent GatorCheat from functioning.

Polygon even managed to get a copy of the complaint, which says the cheating software allows players to manipulate the likes of Valorant and Destiny 2 to their personal advantage. For example, by automatically aiming weapons, detecting the location of enemies and showing various information that would otherwise remain hidden from the player.

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