Anna Kendrick accused of rude behaviour by stylist

Anna Kendrick accused of rude behaviour by stylist
Anna Kendrick accused of rude behaviour by stylist

Anna Kendrick was accused of being rude (Photo: Isa Foltin/Getty Images).

The designer accused Anna Kendrick of rude and mean behavior, saying she “refused to talk to him” and “demanded $10,000 (£7,200) to wear the clothes.”

Tahira, who is known online as I Am Tahira, shared a TikTok video in which she grades many celebrities she met while working as a stylist at Barneys New York.

Anna, 35, gave him a low score of -100/10 and called him a “terrible person.”

Taitira then continued a series of videos on a horrifying social medium recalling her experience with the actress after her followers asked her in the comments what happened.

In the first excerpt, Taitira says that before she started at Barneys, she worked for another brand and was asked to pick out clothes for Anna during a book signing at their store.

She remembers, “She comes in, I escort her to the rack, she doesn’t want to talk to me, it’s the strike, I ask her, ‘Do you want to wear pants or a dress?

She didn’t mean anything by it. She was talking to her spokesperson, and she said, “Can I talk to you outside for a minute?”

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“So we go in and she says, ‘If you want it to look the way you want it to look, $10,000.” It’s not my decision!

I’m just here to keep an eye on you. I’ll get you a P.R. team. That was the second take.

In later comments, Taitira explained that Anna ended up wearing her own clothes.

Stylist accusing Anna Kendrick of rude and mean behaviour

Tahira said Anna “refused to talk to her” (Photo: TickTock).

Taitira also revealed that she had to collect fan mail as part of her job, and after collecting three bags of drawings and fan letters at the end of the event, she reportedly heard Anna say, “I’m not looking at those things. She also claimed that Anna’s publicist told her to throw away all the mail she had sent.

Then she developed in a second video she uploaded, saying, “The fan mail we collected was very sincere. Sincere letters and gift cards to favorite places, drawings, paintings, albums from when they were with her, it was so beautiful, and it all ended up in the trash.”

If you visited this girl on a book tour and gave her a heartfelt gift, know that it ended up in the trash. I would never support what this chick does. For example, I would never.

Stylist accusing Anna Kendrick of rude and mean behaviour

Tahira said Anna’s publicist told her to throw away all fan letters sent to her (Photo: TikTok).

Taitira recalls meeting Anna two years later, while working at Barneys, when her colleague had to help the star while trying to “avoid her like the plague.

She said, “She [her colleague] said, ‘I had no idea who she was and she got mad at me because I didn’t know who she was.

Fans then recalled similar experiences with the star of Pitch Perfect in comments, one of them saying, “She stayed at my hotel during filming…. I can confirm that this relationship is real and happens regularly.”

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Another said, “I worked at Sundance for a year and she was just as awful. She wasn’t nice to anyone, especially the fans who waited for her for hours. contacted Anna Kendrick’s representative for feedback.

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