Riley Williams: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Riley Williams: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Riley Williams: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


Riley Williams

Riley Williams – woman from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, accused of stealing a laptop or hard drive from President Nancy Pelosi’s office during the Capitol riots and conspiring to sell it to the Russians.

The statement indicates that Riley June Williams fled. According to local police in Harrisburg, Williams’ mother said Williams packed a bag and left the house, telling her mother she would be gone for a few weeks. She also deleted her social media accounts.

She is now accused of crimes committed during the Capitol riots. According to ITV, Mr Williams was wearing a T-shirt with the Alt-Right slogan during the riots. She is certainly not a leader, her mother, Wendy Williams, told ITV. I just think, I know there was another woman next to her who did it too, I think she was like: They let us go, they let us go, they let us go. She is a 22 year old girl who, as I said, is very empathetic and loving.

A criminal indictment paints a more hidden picture of Williams. Her mother told the station that her daughter was interested in the America First movement.

Here’s what you know:

1. Williams has recently become interested in President Trump’s policies and far-right billboards

It’s open: ITV News identifies protesters who stormed the CapitolA woman who stormed the US Capitol last week, wearing a T-shirt with the alt-right slogan, has been identified by ITV News as a 22-year-old child care worker from Pennsylvania. Riley Williams, who was one of the few women to enter buildings illegally during the siege of Washington, drew attention after…2021-01-16T23:09:28Z

The complaint also includes a link to the above video titled Open : ITV News identifies the protester who stormed the Capitol.

In this video, the reporter identifies Riley Williams as the man who was portrayed in portions of ITV’s earlier video described above, the complaint says. The reporter then interviewed a woman who identified herself as Williams’ mother and showed her video footage.

Williams’ mother said she recognized her daughter in the U.S. Capitol building and that her daughter suddenly became interested in President Trump’s policies and message boards. She said Williams was away, waiting for police to question him about his activities on Capitol Hill.

She wore a shirt that identified her with the Groyper Army, described by the ADL as an informal network of right-wing personalities who are ardent defenders of white supremacy and America First podcaster Nick Fuentes.

2. Riley Williams’ former romantic partner contacted the FBI, according to complaint.

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In the days following the riots on the 6th. In January 2021, a witness called the FBI’s phone line in connection with the attacks on the U.S. Capitol…. The caller stated that he was a former lover of Riley June Williams.

According to the whistleblower, she saw Williams on a videotape recorded on the 6th. January 2021, taken from the U.S. Capitol According to a source, Mr. Williams can be seen leading the crowd down the Capitol steps.

The informant referred police to the YouTube video above. The whistleblower also said he spoke with friends of Williams who showed him a video of Williams taking a laptop or hard drive from Chairman Pelosi’s office.

3. Williams planned to sell the aircraft to Russian foreign intelligence, complaint

ComplaintRiley Williams

According to the whistleblower, Williams planned to send the computer device to a friend in Russia, who then planned to sell the device to the SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service.

The informant told the FBI that the transfer of the computer device to Russia had failed for unknown reasons and that Williams still had the computer device in his possession or had destroyed it. This case is still under investigation.

The statement says authorities viewed a YouTube video titled Storming the Capitol: Inside Story. After about 20 minutes and 40 seconds, a person appears at the bottom of the stairs, probably Williams, a white woman in a green T-shirt and brown jacket with a black and white bag with a zebra pattern on her shoulders.

The complaint adds: She has brown hair down to her shoulders and wears glasses. She wears a black mask under her chin and around her neck. In the video, you can hear him screaming several times: Stairs, stairs, stairs, and you can physically see her sending other intruders down the stairs. The video also shows a stream of intruders climbing a nearby staircase. Below are two screenshots from this YouTube video.

4. Complaint accuses Williams of directing the abusers


According to the complaint, the officer confirmed to U.S. Capitol Police that the staircase seen in the video leads to President Pelosi’s office. I also examined maps of the interior of the U.S. Capitol and confirmed that the object appeared to be located in an area close to the crypt, sometimes called the Rotunda of the Little House.

In the audio track of the ITV News video, the reporter explains that the shooting took place near the US Capitol building, which is called the crypt.

In the background is a bust of Winston Churchill, which also corresponds to its location in the Little House roundabout. The maps confirm that there is a staircase nearby that leads to the office of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

The complaint reads: I looked at other footage obtained by the FBI that was taken during the riots outside the Capitol on the 6th. January 2021. Here is a picture that also shows …. shows. Williams in the Capitol building, pointing and leading intruders. She’s wearing the same green T-shirt and brown jacket.

5. Williams traveled with his father to Washington D.C. to participate inevents.


In the complaint, the officer wrote that he had spoken with local police in Harrisburg about their recent communications with Williams’ parents. According to these officials, on the 11th. In January 2021, local police received a report of a suspicious person, filed by Williams’ mother.

When officers arrived at the home Williams shared with his mother, they were able to question his mother without Williams being present. The mother said the suspected man would have been an informant.

Williams’ mother used her cell phone in front of officers to make a video call to Williams. Officers saw Williams on the screen of his mother’s cell phone and noted that Williams was wearing a brown jacket that matched the screenshots above. According to Harrisburg officials, they spoke on the 16th. January 2021 again with Williams’ mother, who told them that a British media group had come to their home the day before and wanted to speak to Williams, who was not home.

The complaint states that the mother admitted to the press that her daughter was in the Capitol photos. Officers called Williams’ father in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. He said he was going to Washington with Williams on Jan. 6, 2021, to protest. He said he and his daughter were not together during the day and that Williams hung out with other people she knew during the protests. Williams then met his father in front of the Capitol and they returned to Harrisburg together, according to the lawsuit.

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